Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Friday, March 27, 2009

Run Smakk
Off and on (more off than on lately), I will get up and jog around 3 miles in the morning to get a little exercise and burn off some of the previous night's Captain. I do not like to run with the Bunny since she is literally almost twice as fast as me. So this morning to have a little company, I decided to bring along Carrot with me. Along I go at my normal jogging pace only to discover that at that pace it's just a brisk walk for the damn dog. Yep...he doesn't even break into any stride but is just speed walking beside me. I swear the little ass was smiling the whole way as well...

Thursday, March 26, 2009

TV Smakk
These are my favorite top 10 scripted TV shows on right now:
10. Chuck
9. Life on Mars
8. Fringe
7. Dollhouse
6. Greek
5. The Unit
4. Kings
3. How I Met Your Mother
2. Big Bang Theory
1. Entourage

My top 10 "reality" TV shows:
10. Kitchen Nightmares
9. Diners. DriveIns, & Dives
8. Throwdown with Bobby Flay
7. The Haney Project
6. Bromance (now over)
5. Dinner Impossible
4. Chopped (Food Network)
3. American Idol
2. Top Chef
1. Hell's Kitchen

My top 10 shows while sailing hard with the Captain:
10. Speeders
9. Attack of the Show
8. Degrassi
7. Simpsons
6. King of the Hill
5. Cheaters
4. Knight Rider
3. The Graham Norton Show
2. South Park
1. The Drinky Crow Show

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Congress Smakk
During my drive to Austin yesterday, I spent most of the trip listening to CNN on XM Radio. Most of the program was Congress questioning Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner & Federal Reseve Chairman Ben Bernanke about the AIG bailout. In 2 hours of listening to this crap, I learned 2 main things - 1. Tim & Ben actually seem to know what they are doing and I feel they will actually help fix our economy. 2. 99% of these elected officials in Congress that were asking the questions are complete fucking morons. After listening to these idiots, our economy seems a lot less of a problem as compared to who's running the damn country.
And note to CNN - can you stop using the tag line "Law makers are calling for action!" Who the fuck are they calling? They are the law makers. Don't they make the "action"?
Jesus...I'm listening to something more intelligent on the way back tonight. What channel is Blue Collar Comedy?

Monday, March 23, 2009

Phone Smakk
So another one of Smakk's phones met it's tragic death on Friday night at the hands of a spilt Captain in my lap while texting from my chair. Unfortunately, this is not my first phone to die an early tragic death at my hands. Now that the Bunny is referring to me as a cell phone serial killer, I figured I would share a few (but not all) of my more memorable killings:

- Dropping my phone into a full beer while at a tent party in downtown Houston during superbowl weekend
- Snapping my flip phone in half during a drunken rage. Can't remember what I was even pissed about...big surprise.
- Killing Buster's phone by giving him a ice bucket of cold water wake up call while he's still lying in bed in hotel room
- Taking a sharp turn in the car with the phone sitting on dashboard only to watch it slide all the away across and right out the open passenger side window onto the North Dallas Tollway

And then the one where the Bunny herself was an accomplice...

- Having my phone get kicked off the sink counter while the Bunny are having "relations" in the bathroom. Don't ask the position...I don't want my new Treo to get nervous.