Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Friday, July 20, 2007

Lizard Smakk
So while sitting in my chair last night enjoying a little Captain Morgan, I see something out of the corner of my eye up above me. At first I think it's the normal little shadow animals that come after a good night of sailing with the Captain, but no, this is different. Inside of the light dome of our ceiling fan is the outline of a small little lizard walking around inside the light. So after pointing the out to the Bunny, she covers her wine glass in panic and start in on her nervous squeaks of fear. Since taking apart the light is a bitch, we decide to just turn it off to not fry the little fellow, and also turn off the ceiling fan to not shred the guy and send pieces flying across the room.
After a few minutes, I have to hold my glass from shattering when a high pitched banshee shriek comes from the couch exclaiming, "He's on the outside edge right there!" Almost on cue, this commander salamander takes a leap right from the fan all the way down to the coffee table to land about a foot away face-to-face with the Bunny. One second later a blur of blond hair streaks by me screaming in a fevered pitch so high that only Carrot could comprehend. So I take a kleenex and grab our little guest to remove back out in the wild of the back yard after I say, "Thank you and good job."

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Technology Smakk
Modern advances in technology have been some great in my everyday life I thought I should share my thanks:
- Thank you Text Message for allowing me share my Smakk quips throughout the Crew as I set sail nightly with the Captain
- Thank you E Cards for allowing me to easily be more of a smart ass like sending Loops his get well card today because of his long night with Dirty Michelle
- Thank you Treo for allowing me to check work email outside the office while still sending random pics of pineapples and coconuts to Big Wu
- Thank you Google Images for allowing me to respond to group emails with pics of egg shaped heads, grass skirt wedding cake toppers and I AM SPARTA
- Proxy thank you from Dangerous D & Loops for MySpace & CraigsList so they can troll the web for new pigs
- And finally, thank you Blogger for allowing me a forum to share my great Smakk wisdom with all the little cubicle sheep out there