Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Saturday, February 15, 2003

Blah Smakk
Smakk is back, but I'm tired and drunk. So for tonight's topic - blah, blah, blah. And I mean blah, and a little blah, and just a touch more blah.
Blah me? BLAH YOU!
So, top five dialogue flicks (like really good because of the good blah, blah, blah):
5. Few Good Men
4. Pulp Fiction
3. Reservoir Dogs
2. Heathers
1. Swingers
Shut up - ya talk too much.

Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Temecula Smakk

I highly recommend the Pechanga Resort (is that the name of the girl in Boy Meets World?) in Temecula, CA. It has a full casino, five restaurants, pool, spa and all for only $100 a night (but this internet TV sucks.) Although my room will cost an extra $300 thanks to my first hours at the blakjack table. So if you are in SoCal then stop by the reservation. And it's about time the Native Americans made some csh since they have been screwed since we stepped off the Mayflower. So here's tonights:
Top five ficks about living in SoCal
5. Orange County
4 LA Confidential
3. LA Story
2. Valley Girl
1 Swingers
I need an In and Out burger.

Monday, February 10, 2003

Senseless War Smakk

Got a 6:00am flight out to SoCal in the morning, so this will be short. Yeah war sucks, but having some ego maniac that's been high on sniffing his own oil deposits for the past 20 years with a finger on the bio or nuke trigger sucks much more. You thought a senile Reagan was scary...I'd still give Bonzo Boy the controls today anytime before our saddistic friend in Canada (Middle East, Canada, same difference). So in honor of war that nobody wanted...
Top five Vietnam flicks:
5. Deer Hunter
4. The Boys in Company C
3. Full Metal Jacket
2. Platoon
1. Apocalypse Now

& best five about guys dealing with after affects of Vietnam:
5. Born on the Fouth of July
4. In Country
3. Birdy
2. First Blood
1. Taxi Driver

Yes, I left out "Coming Home" in the latter category. Jane Fonda is a bitch and history has been way to kind to her. And she's not even my ex-wife.

Sunday, February 09, 2003

Taboo Smakk

One of the many things I hate about the today's entertainment industry is how it has caved in to politically correct muck allowing few mainstream films to be made that laugh about the stuff we laugh about but don't admit to. Now I'm not saying let's bring back Andy Griffith's "Salvage 1" because of the recent shuttle disaster (though that would be the most ballsy move ever - if you don't know then look it up at to get the point). But remember when it was okay to laugh at taboo subjects like smoking pot, getting drunk, teens having sex, adultery, parents not knowing what's going on...
We all know these things are bad and not "real" life, but that's why they're funny. It's time to lighten back up again. I loved both American Pie films - yeah they were funny, but more so it had been 10 years since a raunchy teen comedy worth a crap had been made.
So for tonight's topic,
Best Teen Comedies made after 1995:
5. American Pie 2
4. Empire Records
3. American Pie
2. Can't Hardly Wait
1. Bring It On

"Missy's the pooh. So take a big whiff." - T-t-t-t-orrence
I have no post, so here's a toast.
"Here's to us and the privileges of youth!" - Gardner (Kevin Costner), Fandango

Top five road trip films:
5. Road Trip
4. The Sure Thing
3. Rain Man
2. Blues Brothers
1. Fandango

And more from Fandango...
"Where's your car?" - Phillip (Judd Nelson)
"You're drinkin' it." - Gardner