Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Sucks Smakk
I know I have been bitching about this weather, but it really sucks for the place I saw yesterday on the way back from Shreveport. I'm trucking through the tsunami up Hwy 80 right outside of the big metropolis of Terrell, TX and the access roads running beside the highway are completely under water. Then I see this business that has water about waist high up the building. Now of course this would suck for any business but for this place to get water damage during this week of all weeks - well that really blows, and not in the way they wanted. Yep, it was a fireworks stand.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Weather Smakk
Rain, rain and more rain. It's just freakin' ridiculous how much of this crap we have had in Big D this summer. And I'm not talking little daily Summer showers to cool down the hot weather. We're talking Wrath of God down pours sending cars floating down the highway. Instead of a summer blockbuster, I think the movie Evan Almighty is an instructional survival film on building arcs for the Dallas area. There have been so many flash flood and tornado warnings on the radio, I thought the latest top 40 song was "Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppp. Please stay tuned for a message from the Emergency Broadcast System." And even better is the unleashed swarm of flood mosiquitos attacking every piece of exposed skin they can find. We might as well change the neon lined green building downtown into a giant flashing sign for those little blood suckers saying "Buffet Open." Oh least I can always set sail with the Captain.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Alien Abduction Smakk
I'm writing this from underneath the bed with Pepper. This morning she said she was playing with Smakk when all of a sudden she was put in a cloth sack and locked up. She was then transported to another planet while being tortured and made to listen to Kidd Kraddick. Once there, she was shot in the leg and neck. And anal probed. After this she was free to roam this strange planet. It smelled heavily of other animals that had previously been tortured. One of the aliens then tried to force her into a cage. She managed to fight them by hissing and bearing her teeth. The alien then put her back in a cloth sack and she was transported back home. We are plotting our protection plan in case there is another attack. I am sharpening my teeth on the furniture later tonight and Pepper will be sharpening her claws on the curtains and practicing her hiss. We'll be ready for them next time. In the meantime the Smakk family is reading up on how to build a arc. No end to the rain for the next 10 days.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Cat Fight Smakk
Before you get too excited about the title of this post, Loops, I'm actually talking about the Bunny's ongoing battle with the cat, Pepper. After losing Round 1, the Bunny has now tagged me into this cage match to get Pepper in her carrying case tomorrow so we can take the fleabag in for her shots. We have two methods currently under consideration. The first is to pry a tranquilizer into her mouth and shove it down her throat to knock her out. Since I have no current plan to be called Three Finger Smakk, I think will try the second plan first. This plan is to surprise attack her with a pillow case, scoop her up in it and then lower down into the cage. I may even give her a couple around-the-world swirls for some disorientation so I can remove the pillow case from the cage while she is regaining focus. Maybe next time we should just adopt a mongoose...