Class Smakk
Last night, the Bunny had me accompany her to a 3 hour class about breast feeding. Yes, I said 3 hours. Yes, I said breast feeding. Though I could go on and on about all the jokes I held back from making during this session, it was actually the other attendees that made the night the most amusing. For reasons unknown to me, the Bunny signed us up for the class that was apparently also designated for the hearing impaired since they made up over half the participants and there was a sign language interpreter. The benefits from that is that I can now sign the words "breast", "feed" and "delivery". I can see this coming in handy if I ever need to deliver a baby from a deaf woman or order a pizza at a topless club.
But my favorite moment of the night came at the start of the soft porn...errr...breast feeding training video. Right after she turns it on, the class instructor turns to the entire crowd and asks, "Is the sound up too loud?" So this just made me have a small chuckle but then I completely lost it when I saw the other lady interpret the message in sign language for them. I guess at least they couldn't hear me laughing...
Last night, the Bunny had me accompany her to a 3 hour class about breast feeding. Yes, I said 3 hours. Yes, I said breast feeding. Though I could go on and on about all the jokes I held back from making during this session, it was actually the other attendees that made the night the most amusing. For reasons unknown to me, the Bunny signed us up for the class that was apparently also designated for the hearing impaired since they made up over half the participants and there was a sign language interpreter. The benefits from that is that I can now sign the words "breast", "feed" and "delivery". I can see this coming in handy if I ever need to deliver a baby from a deaf woman or order a pizza at a topless club.
But my favorite moment of the night came at the start of the soft porn...errr...breast feeding training video. Right after she turns it on, the class instructor turns to the entire crowd and asks, "Is the sound up too loud?" So this just made me have a small chuckle but then I completely lost it when I saw the other lady interpret the message in sign language for them. I guess at least they couldn't hear me laughing...