Baby Smakk
Items completed:
- Impregnate wife
- Get baby doctor
- Find out sex of baby
- Crib purchased & put together
- Child birth classes scheduled
- Case of Captain purchased to settle nightly nerves
Items still pending:
- Decide on a name
- Paint and decorate nursery
- Register for shower
- Secure day care
- Start UT college fund (if another school chosen, change to Smakk's new boat fund)
- Get gun permit and arm self to teeth
- Train carrot to attack all boys/men on command (especially spawn of Crew)
I'm sure I've left out one or two things....
Items completed:
- Impregnate wife
- Get baby doctor
- Find out sex of baby
- Crib purchased & put together
- Child birth classes scheduled
- Case of Captain purchased to settle nightly nerves
Items still pending:
- Decide on a name
- Paint and decorate nursery
- Register for shower
- Secure day care
- Start UT college fund (if another school chosen, change to Smakk's new boat fund)
- Get gun permit and arm self to teeth
- Train carrot to attack all boys/men on command (especially spawn of Crew)
I'm sure I've left out one or two things....