Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Monday, January 25, 2010

Return Smakk
After a month on being on the wagon while waiting for the arrival of Smakkette, I slowly return to my weekend sails with the Captain. All seemed pretty normal and I felt I was back to my old self. Well this Sunday morning, I discovered that was not quite the case after the way I felt following the Saturday evening shrimp boil at Big Wu's house. Even with an early exit of 10pm from the party, a couple rounds of three-man and kings & queens was enough to have me considering a toilet hug the next morning. With the Bunny & my liver opposed to me building back up to championship drinking status, I fear I have two options: 1. to not throw down so hard on the weekends or 2. to be ready for some painful mornings. Guess it's time to hit Sam's Club for the Tylenol and Tums then....


  • At 7:44 AM, Blogger troyy88 said…

    WOW and that was only on beer....old fart

  • At 7:46 AM, Anonymous Big Wu said…

    DOnt forget the tucks medicated pads for your hemorids and depends!


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