Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Friday, February 16, 2007

Doctor Smakk
I pick up 15 subs from Jersey Mike's today and here's my short conversation with the sub guy:
Sub Guy - "So are you a doctor?"
Smakk - " Are you hurt?"
Haha. WTF was that all about.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine Smakk
The Hallmark created holiday of romance is upon us once again. I had a dozen roses delivered to the Bunny's work with a small stuffed animal bear. She got me roses as well this morning accompanied by a stuffed animal tiger that sings "Eye of the Tiger" (no idea where she finds these things). We decided to opt out of the craziness and overpriced menus of tonight for a little romantic dinner at Club 6850. Never a wait, always a stocked bar and prices you can't beat.

So I hope the rest of you have your great V-Day celebration tonight as well. And you know the two of the most popular events for people on this day - weddings & suicides. So basically, the same thing...

Monday, February 12, 2007

Girl's Night Out Smakk
So how is it that all the bunnies have a Girl's Night Out and all the guys in the Crew are the ones hungover the next day? The 16 hours of straight drinking that commenced at 10:30 might have a little to do with it. Let me see if I can recall how the timeline went:
10:30am - Phase 1 of the Crew (Smakk, Loops, Wu, Beau, LRod) meet up at Texas Indoor Golf.
10:31am - 1st order for 2 pitchers of Silver Bullet
3:30pm - Only on hole 14 and averaging about one pitcher per hole. Dangerous D at some point has now joined the party.
4:00pm - Golf game abandoned for long drive contest between Smakk, Wu & Beau. Beau wins all three and Wu & Smakk give up 15 bones each.
4:30pm - Everyone hits their own respective cage to shower up for night festivities. I start sailing while shots of Patron break out at Casa Wu.
6:00pm - Pre-party starts at Prava Hotel where Loops has acquired a corner suite. Martin has joined and Crew is now a party of 7. We find a picture of Sosa on the back of a milk carton.
6:04pm - Wu proclaims, "Let's do a shot of Patron!" Then he immediately gags on his own shot and proceeds to set new record for early puke. Party bucket unfortunately left at Club 6850.
7:00pm - Crew commandeers Prava shuttle van and heads directly to the Texas table at Hooters Addison. 2 Sandwiches, 50 wings, 4 bowls of fries and 2 plates of onion rings disappear in record time. Wu gets color back in his face.
7:30pm - Crew does toast in honor of Jenn M for coordinating the Girl's Night. Prayers begin for many more to follow.
8:00pm - Shuttle van driver is back and we all head to Sherlocks for The Max.
8:10pm - 1:30am - Sherlocks *Due to this not being a Bunny Free Viewing Zone, the following content has been deleted from this section to protect the innocent.*
1:30am - Post Party back at Prava suite commences. Why is porn blaring on the TV?
1:33am - Security knocks at door to "keep it down".
2:20am - Bunny arrives at Prava lobby to take Smakk back to Club 6850. She asks, "So how was the night?" Smakk replies, "Just a quiet night with the boys."
2:22am - Snoring begins