Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Waco Smakk
Waco, TX - Home of Baylor University, Dr. Pepper, The Branch Davidians, and my dinner meeting with 70 of my staff tonight. With folks spread out in Dallas & Austin, I choose to have everyone meet in hell...errr...the middle to make the late commute easier for all. So another long work night for me but then comes play time for the next 4 days.
Tomorrow morning, the Bunny & I are being flown out to Lake Tahoe by Harrah's Casino for a few nights of fun on the mountain. With the ski season winding down, all the beginner slopes at the base are already shut down leaving us some blue intermediate ones still open even though the temp will be in the 50's. Either way, the drinks and blackjack chips will be flowing for sure and the memories of work will be far, far away. So for all of you, enjoy working in your cubicles tomorrow and Monday....

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Boss Smakk con't
A slight derailment in my earlier plan for work today - After getting suspicious of my fired employee scum, I had the property management of my office review security tapes of last night. In all her scum glory, there were some fine glamour shots of this piece of shit employee with another couple collaborators stealing boxes of files from the office late at night. Good shots of all of them (along with their children in tow mind you) loading their cars and having a jolly old time. So my day did get extended to about 13 hours at work after a visit by Arlington's finest for me to relay this information to them. I'm finally off to partake in a tasty beverage while thinking of these ladies as they wait for the knock at there door forparting gifts of their new locking bracelets and pinstripe uniforms. Enjoy that on your resume...
Boss Smakk
Ahh the wonderful joys of being the boss...

I got to have a lovely 3pm Starbucks break yesterday on the patio in the nice 80 degree sunshine. Of course, the reason was that I was terminating a tenured manager for embezzling money from the company and other shady activity.

And this morning, I was able to get a little quiet time in at the office before the craziness of the day started. Of course, I had to be here at 6:30am to meet the same manager at her former office so she could collect her belongings under my supervision.

And later this morning, I get to have special one-on-one bonding time with the rest of this office staff. Of course, that means that I will be drilling each person individually today and threatening legal action to see if they had any involvement in the manager's activities.

And later this afternoon, I get some relaxing drive time in the car listening to tunes and catching up with folks on my cell phone. Of course, this means I have to drive to another office 30 miles away thus making over 100 miles roundtrip commute today while constantly fielding calls from other people bitching about drama in their office and should finish up just in time to hit 5pm traffic to sit in the whole way home.

Like I said, ahhh the wonderful joys of being the boss...anyone want to open a bar with me instead?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Golf Smakk
I learned on Sunday that there is about a 10 stroke differential between my drunk golf game and my hungover golf game. Not enough practice at sober golf to give a good ruling yet.
Drunk golf - shoot in high 80's, talk smakk with guys, order beers to maintain buzz, threaten to sink a hole in one on par 3's, have a couple dogs at the turn, etc...
Hungover Golf - shoot in high 90's, quietly hide behind dark sunglasses, order beers to avoid projectile vomitting, threaten to blade bunker shot into teammates face (Sorry Elrod.), nurse pack of crackers for 18 holes, etc...
I guess the $200+ beer tab at Sosa's B-Day bowling extravaganza the night before was a little too much for 9am tee times on Sunday.