Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Birthday Smakk
What is it with my work and birthdays? Last September I missed having a big BDay celebration for the Bunny due to FEMA. Now I just closed another giant account for my company meaning I'll be working crazy over the next weeks including my BDay this Saturday and I'll be in the exciting locale of Gun Barrel City, TX (Are you fucking kidding me this is a real town name?). Plus if this client is anything like last time, it could even mean having back-to-back nights of sobriety. Ohhh, the chill up my spine. Sometimes it's just a shame that all I do is make money...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Grey Smakk
Was I really forced to watch three straight hours of Grey's Anatomy last night? Was Bunny really crying and yelling at the TV? Hasn't this same show been on for like 10 years but was called E.R.? And can they actually add a couple attractive bunnies in the cast please?
I'm sure my TIVO thinks I've gone Brokeback now that the Bunny has learned to set up a season pass. In case my TIVO also reads this blog, here's my season pass manager list and who order which ones:
Grey's Anatomy - Bunny
How I Met Your Mother - Me
Ellen Degeneres Show - Bunny
Laguna Beach - Me
Ellen - Bunny
Punk'd - Me
8th & Ocean - Bunny
Vegas - Me
Gastineau Girls - Bunny
CSI: Miami - Me
Any stupid marathon or running show - Bunny
OC - can't remember which one of us

Monday, May 15, 2006

The Bomb Smakk
Stats on the 7/11 Bomb Buritto that is sitting in my fridge and may be the only lunch cure for my Monday hangover:
Fat grams - 42
Carbohydrate grams - 116
Calories - 940
Sleeping with Bunny after The Bomb gestates - priceless