Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Opinion Smakk
Now I think that everyone is entitled to their own opinion about whatever, and I have no problem with the expression of that opinion. Though while driving home in lovely Big D rush hour traffic last night, I was a little surprised by this expression on the loading doors inching along in front of me. Painted right there on the back of a Covenant Transport semi was a sign with the message "It is not a choice. It is a child." Now I don't immediately relate truckers and pro-life, but I give them balls for putting their opinions right out there. Matter of fact, I'm surprised more companies don't do the same by incorporating opinions with their ad slogans. Here's a few that could work on today's topics:

Have a Coke and a prayer in school.
How do you spell relief? X-A-N-A-X
With AT&T, even Priests can reach out and touch someone.
Bulimia - it's finger lickin' good.
Condoms prevent STD's. Where's the beef?
1-800-Flowers: We even deliver to faggot weddings.
Snap, Crackle and also Pop in that morning after pill with your Rice Krispies bitch.
Idea Smakk
With a new year now started, I decided to be a proactive boss and solicit feedback from all my staff on what changes they would like to see to help grow their business and better their work environment for 2009. This was my favorite response from one of my salespeople:
"Dear Boss Smakk - With the obvious downward spiral in the economy, it has become much harder to get our clients to buy our service which has negatively impacted our commissions. So I propose we increase salaries and our commission structure, so these hard times will not affect the internal staff. As well since the office is so dead right now, we should start working only half days to help boost morale."
Well I'm pretty sure I'll be able to give them a whole lot more time off...

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Logo Smakk
So the Texas Longhorns finish off the Ohio State Buckeyes 24-21 last night at the Fiesta Bowl with a two minute Heisman-ish drive by Colt McCoy for the win. It was great stuff and just further proves the wrong teams are playing for the National Championship on Thursday night. So I found it very fitting that the cause du jour of the game last night was in support of Alzheimer's disease research. What more than wearing logo pins of a brain cell destroying disease that causes severe dementia and reasoning abilities could be more appropriate for the BCS for putting the Sooners & Gators above the Horns in the rankings. I guess they don't have a pin for just being a stupid ass...

And another thing...who designed this damn logo for Alzheimer's anyway? Are you trying to further confuse the damn victims of this disease? I can see some poor bastard spending hours just trying to figure out if the damn thing is on upside down or not. Can we plase give them a break? Jesus...

Monday, January 05, 2009

Resolution Smakk
So with 2009 finally kicking off, I felt it was time to talk about New Year's resolutions. Though my only personal resolution was to use less ice in my Captain & Diet Cokes this year, I felt instead I should embrace the masses and just agree to all 10 of the most common resolutions. So as follows...
1. Spend More Time with Family & Friends - I definitely agree with the family part since I only see my bro & the kids about twice a year and they live a whopping 20 minutes down the road. Now as for the friends part, I'm not sure how much more time with the Crew I can get unless we all move in Real World style.
2. Exercise More - I'm all over this one. Regular jogs will commence tomorrow...I just need to buy me a Camelbak since it's too hard to drink from my cup while running down the street.
3. Lose weight - I guess this goes hand in hand with the exercising and I won't miss the Wii Fit blowing up my character like Veruca Salt after the blueberry dessert.
4. Quit Smoking - Though I've never been a cigarette guy, I may have to go the opposite on this one since I see many cigars breaking out in the Crew due to recent developments.
5. Take Up a Hobby - Besides drinking and this damn site, I guess it is time for another hobby. Still considering either finishing my first novel or starting my own reality show...
6. Quit Drinking - I don't understand the language of this phrase so we will just ignore it.
7. Get Out of Debt - I am all over this one as well so long as Britney Spears can keep this recession in check. (Please see past posts if you do not understand.)
8. Learn Something New - A new language - no. Teachings of the Koran - no. Triple Lindsey off the diving board - no. Falling asleep while still holding cup from my left hand - ahhh a winner.
9. Help Others - If you bring the cup, I will fill it up.
10. Get Organized - I've always wanted to start a cult. The Branch Smakkians? Order of the Smakk Temple? Smakk's Gate?