Thursday, February 16, 2006
Tie Smakk
I wear a suit to work most of the time and it really gets old. Who was the sick fuck that invented the tie as part of business wear? You might as well be wearing a noose around your neck. Kinda like a wedding ring. (My nose bleed will hurt later.) It's not bad enough I have to be at work - do I really need to feel like I'm being strangled the whole day (or couple hours in most cases for me)? Or maybe it's just having to be at work today at all is annoying me knowing I will be on the beach in Mexico around this time tomorow. But I'm sure I'll be thinking of you all tomorrow and Monday while you're at your desks and cubicles, and I'm sitting out in sun sipping on my Coronas. Later all...
I wear a suit to work most of the time and it really gets old. Who was the sick fuck that invented the tie as part of business wear? You might as well be wearing a noose around your neck. Kinda like a wedding ring. (My nose bleed will hurt later.) It's not bad enough I have to be at work - do I really need to feel like I'm being strangled the whole day (or couple hours in most cases for me)? Or maybe it's just having to be at work today at all is annoying me knowing I will be on the beach in Mexico around this time tomorow. But I'm sure I'll be thinking of you all tomorrow and Monday while you're at your desks and cubicles, and I'm sitting out in sun sipping on my Coronas. Later all...
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Event Smakk
I am very unprepared for upcoming events over the next 30 days. The Bunny and I head out for Cancun on Friday morning. Still need to shop for some beach and resort wear, arrange home for Carrot for weekend, fix front door, get haircut, pack, etc. Considering I’m in Shreveport this minute, I feel some things may fall through the crack.Once we return from the beach, I basically have a couple weeks left until Club 1407 closes down for good. Still need to line up movers, pack, cancel utilities, etc. What a pain in the arse. On that subject (me moving not ass pains), I guess it’s about time to announce the answer to my poll about my future living arrangements. In what will come as a shock to some but not all, Smakk will be leaving the Uptown area to move in with The Bunny in Addison in the beginning of March. So long to Club 1407 and welcome Club Bunny Smakk or just Club BS for short. Let the chest pains and fainting begin….
I am very unprepared for upcoming events over the next 30 days. The Bunny and I head out for Cancun on Friday morning. Still need to shop for some beach and resort wear, arrange home for Carrot for weekend, fix front door, get haircut, pack, etc. Considering I’m in Shreveport this minute, I feel some things may fall through the crack.Once we return from the beach, I basically have a couple weeks left until Club 1407 closes down for good. Still need to line up movers, pack, cancel utilities, etc. What a pain in the arse. On that subject (me moving not ass pains), I guess it’s about time to announce the answer to my poll about my future living arrangements. In what will come as a shock to some but not all, Smakk will be leaving the Uptown area to move in with The Bunny in Addison in the beginning of March. So long to Club 1407 and welcome Club Bunny Smakk or just Club BS for short. Let the chest pains and fainting begin….
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Classic Smakk
I am still cracking up about this exchange:
Smakk, Bunny & Loops get into cab at The Loon.
Driver asks, "Where to?"
Smakk and Bunny say, "The Loon!"
Driver says, "This is the LOON."
Smakk says "How much?"
I am still cracking up about this exchange:
Smakk, Bunny & Loops get into cab at The Loon.
Driver asks, "Where to?"
Smakk and Bunny say, "The Loon!"
Driver says, "This is the LOON."
Smakk says "How much?"
Valentine Smakk

V Day is here again and for the first time in three years, I actually have a Valentine. The Bunny and I will be celebrating tonight but hopefully not as much as we did on Sunday. (Check out Loops for a hilarious recap of that evening.) We have decided to skip out on fighting the crowds for dinner, and have chosen a little 1-on-1 time at Club1407 even though the front door is still under construction. Happy Valentine’s day to all.

V Day is here again and for the first time in three years, I actually have a Valentine. The Bunny and I will be celebrating tonight but hopefully not as much as we did on Sunday. (Check out Loops for a hilarious recap of that evening.) We have decided to skip out on fighting the crowds for dinner, and have chosen a little 1-on-1 time at Club1407 even though the front door is still under construction. Happy Valentine’s day to all.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Sunday Smakk
What the hell happened last night? It started out a nice little Sunday. Lunch at Blue Mesa with Wu & Lindz, swim suit shopping with the bunny, a new stripe from Billy Reid, and a gut bomb from Freebirds for dinner. We then load up the flasks and head out to go see Final Destination 3 with Loops and White G. Then the bright idea, "Let's stop by The Loon for a minute."
So it's now 9am on Monday and I'm still home. Me and bunny found my car still at The Loon. Pieces of my front door are in my kitchen. I think my ankle is fractured. Another frozen pizza box is in the trash can but I still haven't eaten any. Jesus...I need a nap.
What the hell happened last night? It started out a nice little Sunday. Lunch at Blue Mesa with Wu & Lindz, swim suit shopping with the bunny, a new stripe from Billy Reid, and a gut bomb from Freebirds for dinner. We then load up the flasks and head out to go see Final Destination 3 with Loops and White G. Then the bright idea, "Let's stop by The Loon for a minute."
So it's now 9am on Monday and I'm still home. Me and bunny found my car still at The Loon. Pieces of my front door are in my kitchen. I think my ankle is fractured. Another frozen pizza box is in the trash can but I still haven't eaten any. Jesus...I need a nap.