Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Friday, August 18, 2006

Weekend Smakk
With the mom and grandmom leaving town today after a week long stint at Club 6850, you would think a Smakk throwdown would be in order. Doesn't seem to be the plans on the weekend horizon though. Here's what it seems to be shaping up into:
Fri night - "Snakes on A Plane" opening night feature with The Bunny (flasks filled to rim will be a must for this viewing)
Sat day - Golfing at Lake Arlington with Loops & DrE. Loops meltdown very likely...
Sat night - Avoiding death by shitkickers at Cory Sorrow show at Billy Bubba Joe Jim Bob's in Ft Worth for OOSeila's BDay. (Sorry crew. Enjoy the football bash)
Sun - Try to squeeze in some lake time before heading down to A-Town for a little evening at Doc's
Whatever happens, I plan to stumble through it....

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Uncomfortable Smakk
Nothing like watching the movie "Girl Next Door" with Mom and Grandmom. It got especially quiet during scene where they begin making of the porn movie. That's about when Grandmom went, "I think I'm going to go take a bath. This is not really my type of movie." I snickered with my Captain, Bunny faked being asleep and Mom just kept on knitting. night at Club 6850.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Aunt Smakk
Did my niece really address the Bunny as "Aunt Sarah" this weekend? Fainting around the pool can be dangerous for me....