Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Outdoor Smakk
I have become obsessed with watching TV out on my back porch late at night. Since installing a flat screen out there a few week ago, I just can't get enough of it. Fill up a nice Captain & Diet, light up the tiki torches, hit the remote and just watch any random show while my new lizard buddies crawls around the walls checking me out. I think this could actually make me better embrace getting to know the outside & nature...I just need a little technology incorporated in. I'm even considering camping this year. Just need to go out and buy a generator to power the video projector and hot tub we will need to bring along...

Monday, August 03, 2009

Sex Smakk
Before you get too excited, I'm not talking about doing the nasty here but more about a particular time I did that about 5 months ago. This Wednesday afternoon, the Bunny & I will hopefully discover the sex of Little Smakk who will be right at the rip age of 20 weeks old. Though I can't really think of what would be better than having my own little version of myself running around, I am making my prediction right now that karma will be coming down on me hard and a Little Smakkette will be arriving as our Christmas gift. Whether it's a clam or frank and beans we see at the sono on Wednesday, we of course will be happy either way. And if it is a girl, The Crew will have ammunition for the rest of my life...