Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Friday, March 28, 2008

Moving Smakk

I really can't figure out which is a bigger suprise to even myself. That I am now on my 5th day without any alcohol or that I agreed to help move 2 different couples this weekend. I thought I was out of this whole "self moving" bracket. Couldn't we have all just chipped in $50 bucks at sat around having some beers watching other people do that crap. We drop twice as much cash as that every time we go out to just to have "a beer or two". And I know the Crew isn't helping out for the exercise so don't even go that route. Oh well...I guess I'll just download the theme from Sanford and Sons and get read to dolley up some furniture. Have a good weekend all...the Captain is calling.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Record Smakk
Get Guinness on the phone - a new world record is about to be broken. Smakk has not had a drop of alcohol in 4 days!! Not since Hurricane Katrina and my time working with the big F word, FEMA, have I gone this long in this world of sobriety. With the weekend looming, I'm not sure how long this dry spell can last. But let me reflect on some of the observations that I have experienced during this seemingly eternal alcohol free period:

Almost all TV sucks without a buzz
I don't normally need to piss 11 times a night
That is the Bunny's real voice all the time
My urge to text at night drops 100 fold
It actually takes me less than 3.5 seconds to fall asleep
Our living room ceiling does not start rotating at 10pm
My chair isn't really the Magical Kingdom of Happiness

In the words of a wise man, "I feel sorry for people that don't drink. When they wake up, that's the best they're going to feel all day."

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bug Smakk
Conversation from last night:
Bunny (calling from other room in ear piercing shriek) - "Oh my God! Oh my God!!"
Smakk - "What?"
Bunny - "Come in here! Hurry!! There are these crazy scary bugs jumping at the window from outside! Hurry! What are these things???!!!"
Smakk - "I'm coming...."
Bunny - "Hurry. Oh my God! Look at them!"
As I pull back the curtain and look out, "Where?"
Bunny - "Oh. They're just grasshoppers. Nevermind."

Just another day in the life with the Bunny....

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Perception Smakk
I have showed the below picture of this license plate to 10 guys & 10 girls after the Bunny & I had initial different interpretations of the meaning. 10 out of 10 girls said the Bunny's interpretation while 9 out of 10 guys said mine. (I'm guessing the one guy must be gay.) Though I have to admit that there girls are probably much more likely correct, I do love how the racial thoughts that must be inherent to the Y chromosome. I mean I only took the pic myself to send off to Big Wu. In case you haven't figured it out, the interpretations are below the pic.

Female interpretation - Chances Are

Guys interpretation - Chinks Are