Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Friday, August 01, 2008

Guy Smakk
It's so nice to be a guy. No I'm not talking about the game of secretly clearing your batwings in public. I'm talking about the difference between how guys communicate with guys vs. bunnies with bunnies. For example - yesterday, the Bunny gets a 2 page long email from Big Wu's wife to be, L. It's a very sweet email about how they value our friendship, enjoy our company, appreciate our time together, all the great fun we all share together, yada, yada, yada. It goes into all this great detail and sentiment (I can see tears forming in the Bunny's eyes), and finally asks if we would like to join them on a weekend in San Antonio. Yes, yes, very nice...
So while the Bunny is getting this from L, Big Wu shoots me over the same sentiments via text but the guy version - "You up for a weekend in SA?" Kinda like the difference between taking a shot and sipping on the wine...

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Awkward Smakk
The Bunny & I are walking around in a store yesterday while we were waiting on her car to be inspected. (She just noticed that the inspection had expired in March. Good thing she never drives us around after few drinks...right.) So while we are walking through the aisles, this old hag is talking LOUD on her cell phone while pushing her cart around. I mean the old bitty had her voice up to volume 11 on the dial. So of course the Bunny cannot resist but to make a comment as another shopper walks by us. Here's how that goes:
Bunny - "God, can she just shut up?"
Shopper - "Are you talking about that loud woman on her cell phone?"
Bunny - "Yes, isn't she awful? I wish she would just shut up and get off her phone. She is terrible."
Shopper - "That's my sister."

La, la, la, la....that's about the time I just wander off down a new aisle.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Shaking Smakk
There was a whole lotta shakin' going on yesterday while I was down in So Cal. Yep, Smakk got to feel his first real life earthquake when a little 5.8-er shook the LA area. I thought it was pretty cool but some of the peeps in my meeting went ghost white and dove under tables. Gimme a break. I have more unsteady footings under me almost every weekend night after a good sail with the Captain.
When I sent the Bunny a text about the quake she replied back, "Was it really strong or scary or like a little movement or what?"
And of course my ever smoooooth Smakk reply, "It reminded me of how the earth moved when I first met you..."
That's right. Using that smakk talk on the Bunny to get me a little somethin-somethin when I get back in town. You know what I'm talking about. Yeahhhh...a little quiet time alone in my chair with the Captain and the TV remote. Paradise....

Monday, July 28, 2008

People Smakk
There's really nothing like observing the people around you in everyday life. Here's just a couple shining examples of that wonderful species we call homo sapiens that I observed yesterday:
- While sitting in the Admiral's Club at airport, this neo nazi looking old hag mumbles this out at the TV while story of Obama is playing, "Oh just shut up you fucking nigger a-hole."
- The Bunny & I make a stop at the Dollar General to look for a fridge magnet. (You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find those little fuckers.) As we turn down the aisle, the lady pushing her cart in front of us let's out a full blown gas bomb. I am not exaggerating - this fart went on for a good 20 seconds. You would have sworn someone was toturing a duck. Unreal.
Yep - this is the top of the food chain.