Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Friday, May 23, 2008

Mental Smakk
Sometimes I get a text from one of Crew that just gives me an immediate mental image. A great example is the one I got from Buster the other day as follows, "Sir...there is a retard graduation ceremony @ my about odd to walk in and see 1k tards".
Of course my response, "Lol. Are any wearing helmets?"
'nuff said. Have good Memorial Day Weekend all. I'm sure I will....

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Work Smakk
I'm starting to miss my days at home alone.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

BDay Smakk
May 20th is celebrated across the lands as the glorious day that brought us Smakk. Though it's hard to imagine that my greatness alone was not enough to claim solidarity to the day, here are some of my brethren also born today and their similarities to me:

Jimmy Stewart - Smakk's favorite silver screen actor. Similarity - My life pretty much mirrors his classic masterpiece film "Harvey". (check for plot line if necessary)

Tony Stewart - Redneck race car driver. Similarity - I hang out with LRod

Sadahru Oh - Japan's all-time Home Run King. Similarity - I used to hit them out of the park nightly pre locked in cage by The Bunny.

Eduard Buchner - Fermentation Chemist. Similarity - Talk to my liver.

Cher - Singer/Plastic Surgery Diva. Similarity - She can turn back time. I lose time nightly from blackouts.

So say goodbye to another year and another billion brain cells....

Monday, May 19, 2008

Tulsa Smakk
So the Crew invaded the city of Tulsa this weekend for Yott's bachelor party. We all survived and no one even landed in the jail. The weekend was full of golf, poker, drinks and local "respectable" dive bars for entertainment. Three handles of Captain bit the dust quickly and our poor rented mini-van took the wrath of the flying tallboys.
Didn't appear to be too expensive of a weekend until I gave Buster his ice water bucket wake up call to the face not realizing his PDA was sitting on his chest. Though his new electric fried buzzing sound that now follows each text proved to be quite entertaining.
So until the next soldier falls...I'll be sailing the streets of Dallas for a while.