Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

SMT Smakk
My new form of entertainment is SMT - Social Media Torture. Basically, it taking information that you get on buddies from their social media sites like Facebook, and then use that ammo to torment them. My latest victim has been Thunda (also known as Little Timmy), who just loves to provide great snippets that can easily be transformed into a good swift kicks to his nuts. Of course, I enlist Big Wu for the game since he is not on FB and it adds to Little Timmy's confusion and unrest. Here's a few simple examples so you can learn and adapt to your own racks of pain:

- Little Timmy comments on FB to some random chickie - "Those shoes didn't look that uncomfortable. Do u need a foot rub?" I immediately forward him a picture of hands rubbing a foot and cc Big Wu asking if that is his technique.

- Little Timmy comments on FB about his girl BFF coming into town in a couple weekends. Big Wu & I immediately start planning a fake boys trip that weekend and keep asking him why he can't attend.

- Little Timmy posts on his FB status - "Grhhhh not happy...not happy at all." I immediately send him a Care Bear "Get Happy" ecard signed from chickie that he offered foot rub.

I'm pretty sure you get the drift of things. Please enjoy and happy tormenting!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Babes Smakk

Yes, it has been about 3 months since my last post but due to the massive public outcry (or someone mentioning that I should start up again because they need another site to surf instead of working), I had decided it's time to start Smakking again. Soooo....

On Friday evening, the Bunny, Smakkette & I decided to have a nice little couples family dinner with Wu Tan Clan at Babe's Chicken in Carrollton. I already knew it would be a memorable evening when I discovered that Lil Wu was off with Grandma Lightskin, so Wu & L are baby free for the evening. So the Bunny & I arrive at 6:00pm with Smakkette in my arms to the 3 top shelf marg beaming glow of Wu and the only slightly dimmer L. As we dive into the mounds of chicken and tasty sides, the fun really begins when the assortment of other patrons decide they have to visit our table.

The Bunny & I have been pretty blessed to have such a pretty, happy baby in Smakkette that loves to wear her giant flowers and bows, and smile at all the strangers as they pass by. And it's always so nice to have one of those strangers stop and admire her, tell how beautiful she is and want to touch her little hands or face. Welllll...not so much when the he looks like the crypt keeper from Tales From the Crypt. At least Smakkette kept smiling and laughing at Nostradamus when he slithered up to her to say hello, as Wu & I looked for sharp objects to keep the zombie from eating our brains.

Next came Mr WJW - Wheelchair Joke Writer. This rolling ball of laughter had to wheel up to our table for a good 10 full minutes of telling jokes that "he had written". He also strategically parked his chair right behind my seat so I'm sure he could execute a pit maneuver on me in case I tried to escape. Luckily (as he told us himself), he only shared the clean ones for tonight. If Smakkette would have been in closer reach to me, I would have pinched her legs just to get some screams to drive this Christopher Reeve clown out of our area.

All in all, the food was good, the beer was cheap (it's byob) and the company was good. Though I did make more than my normal number of visits to the porcelain throne on Saturday....