Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Thursday, November 17, 2005

No Work Smakk
Yep, it's 3:45pm and my ass is already at the casa. Boy sitting around the office finishing up all that work just didn't seem as important today. I might even be catching a cold here...cough, cough. Is that bottle of Captain over there calling my name. Is the Now Open neon already flashing at Club 1407. Am I really typing on this damn blog instead of making myself a drink. All of sudden, I need to say goodbye for the evening. And once again - Damn the man!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Work Smakk
So I sold and am currently managing the largest and most profitable acount in the 40 year history of my company and what does the owner of the company do - "I think we need to re-evaluate you and your staff's commission plan for this account." Or to translate - can you please bend over so I can fuck you in the ass and make more money for myself. It's understandable. He only stands to make about $8M himself so cutting me out of $60k-$80k seems bright. I espescially love the timing these guys have. Let's throw this idea out to me while I have the only copies of information that can get him paid for about $4M in outstanding invoices. I have suddenly decided I want to work only by candlelight while sorting through these piles of paper. Hope I don't have an accident. Greed is not always good - especially when one of players is holding too many of the cards.
Also in shitty news for the day, my bunny's cat has gone AWOL. If anyone see's a gray and white pussy (no, not your mom) that answers to Tommy. Please stick him in the mail box and address him to Club 1407.
Gotta go. Feel a three hour lunch coming on. Yeah, I'll get right back to working on those invoices so you get paid, Boss. Damn the man.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Sick Smakk
Why are they home? I had to put up with them all weekend. They were here going in and out doing the usual "we'll walk you when we get back" thing. I made sure they didn't burn the place down on Saturday night. They rewarded me with another trip to the dog park on Sunday. But now......they are here......just sitting there........doing nothing.....annoying me. I need my alone time. I can't get up on the couch now. I can't chew on the coffee table. I can't eat the cat's food. I knew when they left for the Loon (bar) at 10pm on a Sunday night it was going to be a bad day today.