Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Friday, March 20, 2009

School Smakk
Going to work this week while all the kids are out for spring break has me reminiscing about my days at ole Rockwall High School. So here are 10 of my random high school memories:
10. Writing in white shoe polish on everything
9. Stabbing dissected frog into ceiling above biology teacher's head
8. Having Calculus teacher start calling me BA for "Bad Attitude" after I turn my desk around to face away from him
7. Having to get 2nd fake ID because getting too old on first
6. Having the homies at Dolphin Rd carwash by liquor store in Dallas say "Whad up Rockwall?" to me from my frequent visits
5. Getting "pops" in lieu of detention during whole senior year class skipping scam
4. Flavor of the day Boones Farm at lunch
3. Having sheriff deputy call me out of class for threatening someone with same Boones Farm bottle
2. Getting called into office when to champagne flutes with my last name are found on school roof
1. DrE dropping his biology final on floor and being too drunk to pick up after our lunch tequila shots at my girlfriend's house
Hmmm...actually many things have not changed since then.

Monday, March 16, 2009

St Patty's Smakk

Another St Patty's Day has passed and for the first time in the past 2 years, no one from the Crew or house party went to jail. Even with the crappy weather, the crowds still came out to Greenville Ave and we were able to knock through all 700 jello shots (see pic) before noon. The post-parade house party went off as usual with beer pong, kings and general drunkenness. I do have to give myself the award for the most entertaining moment of the day when I gave the dancing drunk shirtless stranger with the insecticide sprayer full of kamikazes a great big atomic wedgie from his boxers hanging out. I'm pretty sure I was able to get blood flowing from him on that one.