Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Friday, January 23, 2009

Inauguration Smakk
Even the historic coverage of Barrack's inauguration can provide me entertainment with the Bunny around. So while we were discussing the days events, we got on to the topic of the age of our recent presidents. Here's how it went:
Smakk - "Well Barrack is one of our younger Presidents."
Bunny - "Yeah. He's like your age right? I saw George Bush senior in the crowd and he really looks old. I heard he is actually older than Jimmy Carter."
Smakk - "Maybe. I'm not sure on that. Ronald Reagan was definitely one of the oldest Presidents."
Bunny - "Hmmm. I didn't even see him anywhere in the crowd today."
Smakk - "Uhhhhhh. Are you stoned?"

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Wind Smakk
Apparently whoever coined Chicago as The Windy City never lived in
Dallas. The constant 20-30 mile per hour wind shears make normal
activities so entertaining like when the Bunny & I take a nice little
boat ride out at the lake and it looks like a scene from The Deadliest
Catch with waves crashing over the bow and the Bunny's egg looking like
a bobblehead toy on speed. Or take just a few minutes ago when I stop to
fill up the car with gas and run it through a quick car wash before
heading out to a client meeting. Basically things went uneventful as
normal right up until I grabbed for my receipt from the pump and a giant
gust threw it up in the air. So I go running after it and start bobbing
and weaving through the parking lot in my full suit looking like Rocky
trying to catch the greased chicken. When I finally snag the damn thing,
I'm huffing and puffing more than the wind itself. Well I guess will
count that as today's exercise...