Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Stars Smakk
Pretty much your average Wednesday night. Wu & Loops scored a suite at the Stars game for us and the bunnies to enjoy a little hockey and beer. We met up at one of Gwedo's bars for some pre-game action - Mardi Gras. Nothing like a bar in the lobby of a class c office building that livens up the Wednesday night crowd by having a lingerie night where the hag waitstaff serves drinks in the discontinued rejects of Frederick's of Hollywood. The bonus kicker was they gave out raffle tickets to win the actual lingerie pieces these pigs were sweating in while serving our brews.
So we finally make it the game where I see about 2 minutes of hockey before Wu calls, "Let's go hit the bar." It was more like being at the track meet than a hockey game since Wu, Sosa and I were doing relay laps to the bar every 10 minutes. Loops & Gwedo vanished for most of the game to go on a bunny hunt, and as usual came back without a single cottontail. Next thing I know I sit down for some game action and the damn stadium is empty. Anyway - the night ended with me & the Bunny munching on some late night Popeye's. I did get one follow text this morning from Loops to confirm the night was definitely your normal Wednesday, "Wu barfed last night." Ahhhhhh...and Friday is only a day away.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Rocco Smakk
I had my first taste of a Ft Worth original last night by having some food and drinks at Joe T Garcia's with Bunny, DrE, Tess & 5 Month Baller, Rocco. We sat on the awesome deck in the nice 80 degree night air snacking on nachos, tacos, enchiladas and fajitas. I was slightly disturbed by DrE's impersonation of the different types of crying from this future Longhorn. He covered a few of Rocco's tear fests such as The "I'm Hungry" Cry and The "I'm Tired" Cry. But I believe there may be a few more he left out from the evening such as:
The "Why is Bearded Guy that Smells like Fermented Sugar Holding Me" Cry
The "My Ears Hurt When this Blonde Bunny Talks" Cry
The "Mommy is Walking Funny After 2 Salt Rimmed Drinks" Cry
The "Why Does Mommy Put Aggie Clothes on Me" Cry
The "Why is Daddy trying to Cry Like Me" Cry
Actually, the little tyke was a good kid last night letting the adults (yes I'm including myself in that) sit back, sip on margs and beer, and enjoy the evening. I am definitely giving Rocco a spot in the Rontourage. This gives him plenty of time to start looking for a new liver now....

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Portrait Smakk
I call this one - Monday 9:04pm at Club 6850

Monday, September 25, 2006

State Fair Smakk

It's that time of the year again with the Texas State Fair kicking off this weekend, and my stomach is already starting to hurt. Corn dogs, funnel cakes, cotton candy, turkey legs, fried twinkies, fried oreos, fried snickers, fried peanut butter & banana sandwhich, fried mac & cheese on a stick (new this year), fried fried... Plus I get the joy of blowing $100 trying to win some $2.89 stuffed animal just to prove I can toss a damn softball in a titled basket from 3 feet away.
So I would like to invite everyone to join me this year at the Fair. (Now half of you are probably going to try and find me at The Fair strip club. Come on, that's a different night.) Just meet me at Big Tex. I'll be one of the 10,000 people that also couldn't think of an easier meeting spot. And as for this pic - so many things come to mind. But this is a family post....