Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Boss Smakk con't
A slight derailment in my earlier plan for work today - After getting suspicious of my fired employee scum, I had the property management of my office review security tapes of last night. In all her scum glory, there were some fine glamour shots of this piece of shit employee with another couple collaborators stealing boxes of files from the office late at night. Good shots of all of them (along with their children in tow mind you) loading their cars and having a jolly old time. So my day did get extended to about 13 hours at work after a visit by Arlington's finest for me to relay this information to them. I'm finally off to partake in a tasty beverage while thinking of these ladies as they wait for the knock at there door forparting gifts of their new locking bracelets and pinstripe uniforms. Enjoy that on your resume...


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