Off Limit Smakk
So what is exactly off limits when it comes to hooking up with people? I had this conversation the other night and it seems views differ in this matter especially between the sexes. On the crazy side, known as the girl’s point of view, I get this insane list of taboo hook-ups:
Any co-workers or employees
Their roommates
If they’re married/engaged/involved
Mother/Daughter combos
If their friend already “likes” them
If she’s passed outMentally handicappedThis is just crazy talk. Obviously on the correct and logical side, also known as the guy’s point of view, it is only wrong to hook-up with a bunny that one of your boys is currently involved i.e. dating/married/etc. To clarify, they must be involved. If they’re just screwing, then all’s fair. I’m sure you all concur. Oh yeah – no incest or sheep either. Unless you live in Louisiana or Arkansas, or attended Texas A&M.