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Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Poll Smakk
New poll on side. No time to post -- gotta get my drink on before FEMA calls again.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Rita Follow-Up Smakk
So I haven't been able to post since before the weekend because I've been on the roof of my townhome trying to flag down a rescue helicopter to save me from Hurricane Rita. You would think they wouldn't have had any problem seeing me considering it was bright and sunny the entire weekend and Dallas did not even get a spec of rain. I thought about trying to call for help on my cell but figured all the cell towers in DFW were probably destroyed by those vicous 3 mile per hour wind gusts we endured all weekend. They were so strong at one point on my rooftop that I saw a leaf move about 6 inches. Then I considered going back down in my place and trying to email the authorities but figured my computer was still down due to the Y2K bug. It got really scary when I saw the wave of water from the flash flooding bearing down on my home but the maintenance guy turned of the mister for the plants and everything turned out okay. Well, I've got to go and stand under the doorway now. I heard there might be an earthquake hitting the west coast sometime this year. Later.