Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Grain Smakk
I've decided it's time to expand my circle of friends and include more grain. No, I'm not talking about Everclear (this time at least) but actually having grain as a new friend. Just think about it. There's ethnic diversity in grain - white rice, brown rice, yellow rice. There's party grain - grain alcohol, fried rice. Perverted grain - dirty rice, sticky rice. Hell, there's even homosexual grain - Rice A Roni, the San Francisco treat. So let's stop the madness of bigotry towards these starches and embrace the grains. Hey, don't go against the grain. It's time to unite. Bring me our forks, our chopsticks, our drunken hands when we can't work the utensils.
Rice is nice. No grain, no pain. Hey Charley, where's our barley? That wheat, so neat. I'm drunk, I thunk. I'm so wasted, my turkey's basted. Gotta sleep, go away sheep. This is whack, no more smakk.
Top five movies with grain:
5. any Tarzan movie (created by Edgar Rice Burroughs
4. XXX (with Vin Diesel; Diesel is another alcohol like Everclear; Everclear is grain alcohol; yes I'm really reaching now)
3. Strange Brew (much wheat, much barley)
2. Witness (someone died in some type of grain silo)
1. Spiderman (Uncle Ben)


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