Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Sunday, March 09, 2003

Monumental Smakk

Yeah, I know it sounds groundbreaking smakk is coming forth with but really I don't have much to say tonight. I could spend the night telling gfive the meaning of life and the rules I know about hockey, or spouting the grace of war to Rex Revere, or even telling Frenchify why there's something very Canadian about the French, or maybe just tell DrE that every dead calf need not be pulled...but instead I will just wander my own labyrinth of a mind tonight, and seek my monumental moments later to share.
Top five flicks with a cool monument moment:
5. Independence Day (White House goes boom)
4. King Kong (swatting planes from the E State)
3. Logan's Run (DC landmarks kickin' in ivy and cats)
2. North by Northwest (hanging by a nose on Rushmore)
1. Planet of the Apes (Lady Liberty in her finest moment)

As for me, the plan is to keep on drinking and build my own personal monument - better known as, My Ode to la Commode de Skank.


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