Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Monday, March 03, 2003

Ho Smakk
Anything for money, I tell you. Did you catch Fear Factor tonight? Yes, that was maggot filled cheese they were eating. I repeat - they were eating cheese full of maggots. Maggots. Like worms that feed on dead flesh. Maggots...did you freakin' hear me? Maggots. I honestly believe eating maggots on tv to win money makes you the biggest ho in the world. After watching that, I fully respect the crack ho down on the corner who's out there delivering the goods to get another fix off the pipe. At least she's not freakin' eating maggots. What's the big deal if a woman sells some flesh for a buck anyway - it's no different than marriage except she doesn't have to put up with all the other bullshit and he can say kiss off after the deed is done. (I'm sure that post just won me some new friends.) So for the quick reference - selling sex = good, eating maggots = bad. 'nuff said.
Top five flicks about prostitution:
5. Street Smart
4. Pretty Woman
3. Taxi Driver
2. Leaving Las Vegas
1. My wedding video (the sentimental favorite)

To clarify - selling sex = good, eating maggots = bad, marrying skank = hell


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