Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Monday, February 24, 2003

Grammy Smakk
I have split feelings about the Grammy show. Yeah I liked that they had more performances, but they blew off announcing alot of the categories. I didn't even realize until about halfway through the show that the little text message they were showing before commericial were listing already awarded winners. They were blowing by major stuff like Best Rap & Country Performers categories. Now at least the announcer would read off and show acceptance photo stills for some big winners like Best Polka Album and Best Native American Performance. And the weakest thing was that the host was the "People of New York." (Though Dustin Hoffman refering to the Boss as Bruce Springsteet was classic.) New York needs to give the whole victim gig a rest - it's like if Rodney King were a city. Yeah 9/11 sucked for everyone and especially people there, but it's not like New Yorkers aren't still assholes and can't drive worth crap. What musicians, besides Paul Simon, worth a crap came from New York anyway. So here's my pity party for NYC.
Top five films in New York:
5. Escape from New York (had to have it in there)
4. Midnight Cowboy
3. Taxi Driver
2. Breakfast at Tiffany's
1. Godfather 2

And just for your reference - Woody Allen sucks.


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