Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

More Sober Smakk
Yes, my soberness has now continued into Day 4. Any minute now I am expecting fire and brimstone coming down from the skies, rivers and seas boiling, forty years of darkness, earthquakes, volcanoes, the dead rising from the grave, human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together… I at least didn’t feel completely useless, like during my first job when I was the PA Announcer at the School for the Deaf. But last night did reach uncharted heights as I actually ordered soda water with lime while out. Yes, I do feel so dirty for this deceptive betrayal to the alcohol gods. But while sitting there at the table for a couple hours drinking soda I noticed some things were similar, some different.
Same – meeting new people
Different – remembering there names the next day
Same – getting up to use restroom
Different – not getting up to use restroom 11 times
Same - standing up from table
Different - not standing up on table
Same - noticing attractive girls
Different – not noticing as many attractive girls
Same – paying for my tab
Different – paying for a tab without accessing my retirement fund
Same – cockblocking
Different – well, this one stayed the same
Same – waking up with cutie next to me in morning
Different – she was actually cute
Same – had a snack before going to sleep
Different – it wasn’t 16 items from the taco bell value menu
Same – woke up next morning
Different – woke up next morning without buzz (sniff, sniff…)

Top five movies about amnesia (wait what was I talking about):
5. Resident Evil
4. The Majestic
3. Dead Again
2. Overboard
1. Mullholland Drive


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