Live happily ever after with the Bunny Will lead an "I AM SPARTA" cult Won't really matter because will be too drunk to remember Become reality TV star in new show "The Crew" Will keeping running and just run away New Captain Morgan spokesman for "Come Sail Away" campaign Win lotto but blow it all on one night in Vegas Federal, State or Thai Prison Move to Guam and become King of Pineapples Get lost in black hole of space This Poll by captsmakk Click here to view results
Smakked Blogs
Previous Posts
- Question SmakkWhy was I doing headstands in a movi...
- Alamo SmakkCol. William Travis, Jim Bowie, Davy Cr...
- Carrot SmakkJust checking in to let you know that ...
- Dialogue SmakkIn an effort to help out all my frie...
- Saying SmakkMy new saying - "I'm gonna cold me up ...
- Bored Drive SmakkSo I’m driving back to Big D from...
- The Real Carrot SmakkIt is day three of my captivi...
- Carrot SmakkSo Carrot officially joined the Rontou...
- Weekend SmakkSo let’s see if I can remember what h...
- Yes SmakkYes, I live in Uptown.Yes, I have a stock...
At 1:07 PM,
BigRob said…
Poor thing, hasn't got a chance.
At 1:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
It looks like something Smakk threw-up when we were partying in Phatlanta. Wait, not it doesn't. It looks like the possum I hit. I hope this isn't a sign.
At 8:22 PM,
erl said…
hmmm it's a dog.
At 11:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
now i know who to look out for. he needs to be rescued from your drunk and sorry ass.
At 10:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
Crickey...The ole' mutt looks low-ike a dingo from our veery own owt-bek. Keep a goood eye on this dawweg here, mate. He jus' may snatch you up one noit an poolverize ye.
At 2:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
Poster posting as Carrot. I'll refer to you as IM-poster. (a play on words if you get it...IM can refer to I.M. although I know it isn't an instant message...poster refers're a poster...but I digress).
Don't know what you mean by That's what your last girlfriend...But like my last girlfriend, you delivered a blow. Something you two may have in common and enjoy doing. I mean a low blow.
Beer please!!!
At 11:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'll take Michelob Light. A good host will have everything stocked accordingly.
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