Stakeout Smakk
There is a cop sitting out in front of my town home right now. He's been there for the past hour. He must think Lindsey is already in town. Will someone please call in some emergency in the Uptown area to draw him away? Thank you for your support.
Top five films someone gets killed with a stake:
5. Interview With A Vampire
4. Blade
3. Dusk Till Dawn
2. Fright Night
1. Lost Boys
There is a cop sitting out in front of my town home right now. He's been there for the past hour. He must think Lindsey is already in town. Will someone please call in some emergency in the Uptown area to draw him away? Thank you for your support.
Top five films someone gets killed with a stake:
5. Interview With A Vampire
4. Blade
3. Dusk Till Dawn
2. Fright Night
1. Lost Boys
At 2:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
You're all gay for partaking in this. I get an exemption because I'm writing this one not.
Anon! Whoever you are! You're just a bitch!
At 10:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
What a poor, poor performance in reply. Must be dealing with a child that road the little yellow bus to school. Take off your helmet so it won't be too tight. Then maybe you can think. But that still may be a stretch.
Gay as in "happy?" Did you really say that? I mean, did you REALLY shuffle through that short memory roll-a-dex of yours to come up with that 4th grade reply? What are you, gay in the 1920's? NO! It's gay in 2005 and all lingo applied to this era.
If I say something looks cool, are you going to assume that it is slightly below room temperature? Or if Paris Hilton refers to a car as being hot, do you assume that the car may be uncomfortable to the touch.
Singlenbigd, you're playing with a short deck and the outcome doesn't look good.
But thanks for the effort, we'll give you a plaque for trying. Now go back put your helmet back on, wipe the drool from your mouth, and go watch your favorite kiddy show. Even though you may not understand it.
At 2:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Fat guy...Come on! Honestly? Was that response made up all by yourself? You actually thought of that? That's amazing. Really? And are you REALLY calling my opinion's moronic? A goat to hump? Did you pick that up from a Truely Tasteless Joke book, or your bed buddy from the farm? And grabbing the teachers boobs? Very clever. I'll have to remember that next time I'm in a bar fight. Maybe you're upset because that actual dare was for some little girl to grab your man-boobs. There, I guess I have to fight 3rd grade attacks with 3rd grade responses. I know that it may, deep down, upset you about the fact that you were picked last for kickball, or that you were too slow to move out of the way during dodgeball, but really. Try harder. And do I like pain? Don't get what you mean by that. No pain being felt here. And do I like being made fun of? Don't really think I am. The weak effort really hasn't made a scratch. Besides, I really don't care.
Amber...Nice language.
Singlenbigd...First of all, I'm not trying to scare you. Have no idea how you read that into anything. For an intelligent girl, you're pretty dim-witted. And the irony you pointed out is about as similar as Morrisette's song Isn't It Ironic. There was no irony in that song, and no irony in what you said or in what you supposedly pointed out. Look up the definition and then reapply it some other time. But then again, you're intelligent. Right? I'd still like to see it.
Why do I keep checking the post? To see who gets fired up.
At 2:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
What the hell is going on!!!
At 3:32 PM,
Gigi said…
Hey Haggie,
How much do you have to pay chicks to suck you off? Just curious.
At 10:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
Fat Bastard...Amazing that you come up with the 3ft tall 58 pound response. Very very very weak. I do believe that you're mental capacity stopped at about age 12. Can only imagine why, but I won't psycho-analyze it. And bar fights, have scars to prove it. 3ft? No...6'3", 58 lbs? No...220.
Singlenbigd...Now I know that you are not intelligent. Compare you to Morrissette? I did not. I was just letting you know how much of an idiot you are for not understanding the meaning of irony. Now that's ironic. And, as it is known, anyone, and I mean ANYONE, including you, that tells other people how hot they are and broadcast it, aren't. And, it wasn't a monologue. Monologue's are what actors or late night talk show hosts recite. I wrote a response.
Amber...No, I'm sure you can get much dirtier with the language.
Gigi...How much do I have to pay? Well, since you have gone on the offensive with such a witty and by all means clever attack. (Really it's unbelievably idiotic). I will have to reply with...Nothing, your mother does it for free. Now go such on some ice.
At 11:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ok Singlenbigd...
This is exhausting. It's like teaching a squirrel how to do math. But, for sake of educating the masses, or in your case, the denses. I'll RESPOND one more time and call it a career.
Monologue! Pay attention to what you just wrote. And I will quote, "And a monologue is a dramatic sketch performed by one actor." A DRAMATIC SKETCH (although it is really one person reciting a "speach" for dramatic/comedic/ effect) PERFORMED BY ONE ACTOR. First, I'm not an actor. Second, I'm not performing. Third, by your definition, it wasn't dramatic. Therefore, you single handedly showed how ignorant you are. Now that is ironic.
Yes, ironic since, again by your definition,"...a pretense of ignorance..." Which you so well displayed.
And are really stetching for that. When was the last time you heard in common, present day words, or did you even use the phrase, we had a gay time? NEVER! Therefore, gay in the 20's is not, nor does not mean the same as gay in 2005. Get a clue, get a book, get an education.
You can't win.
At 2:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Single Bird...Just one more quick little quip...Good use of a dictionary. Doesn't signify intelligence. AND, gay has never been used in a political or non-political way. What a poor argument. I can hear it now.."And now, please welcome the Gay President, but not in the way you are thinking. We mean in the way that is no longer used, as in happy, jovial, light-hearted."
"Unless you are uneducated and would like to use the word in a very non-political way." How cute. I'm laughing at how adorable that is. It's so infant-like.
Goochy goochy goo, Single Bird. Goochy goochy goo. Who's a good girl? Who's the good girl. You're a good girl. Yes you are. Yes you are. Aren' you? You're such a good good good girl. Peak-a-boo. Peak-a-boo. Who's your daddy? Who's your daddy?
At 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Fat Bastard...Well, coming from someone who is extremely weak on the witty reparte, I will take that as a complement. Kind of like how two negatives make a positive. Instead of explaining it, I'll let you try and figure it out. Cliff notes: review your previous posts.
I'm still the big winner.
At 2:44 PM,
Nicki said…
Are you fuckin' kidding me??!
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