Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Monday, May 05, 2003

Maverick Smakk
Dirk and Co. finally closed out the series last night to avoid making history and becoming the first play-off team to blow a 3-0 lead. I've definitely adopted the Mavs as my team since coming to Dallas. I mean the only thing funnier than watching a bunch of small white guys play in the NBA is watching the billionaire idiot of an owner dancing on the sidelines. Cuban is giving Jerry Jones a run for his money in which team owner has the biggest ego. Listening to the Ticket this morning, Jones called in once a couple years ago to bitch at the sports talk guys. Cuban has called in a couple hundred times already. The guys a freak - loaded, but a freak.

Top 5 basketball flicks:
5. White Men Can't Jump
4. Basketball Diaries
3. The Fish That Saved Pittsburgh
2. One on One
1. Hoosiers

Worst 5 basketball flicks:
5. The Air Up There
4. The Sixth Man
3. Blue Chips
2. Eddie
1. Air Bud

We're playing basketball, we're playing basketball…


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