Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Sunday, April 27, 2003

Job Smakk
Basically - jobs suck. I don't think I've really ever met someone who doesn't bitch about their job. That's probably the whole point though. It makes your free time seem so much better because simply it's not time at work. There for a the worse your job, the better your time not at your job. So I've thought about what could be the worst job I could have so that my time away would be better. Garbage man - naw, lots of potential free discarded treasures. Cop - no, you could kill the skank and get away with it. McDonald's Fry guy - hell no, you get the fries. So I think I've decided the worst profession is kidnapper. Think about - scared, rich, bitchy brats combined with the chance to be bubba's manwhore in the pen if caught. Yeah - I could try this, but it seems to have limited off time because of the whole on the lam thing. Maybe just following the ex and going with pro skank could be the calling. Oh well....
Top five kidnapping/hostage flicks:
5. Guarding Tess
4. SFW (stands for So Fucking What - early Reese W. flick)
3. Dog Day Afternoon
2. Die Hard
1. Silence of the Lambs

Quick operator. Get the number for 911!


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