Bad Form Smakk
A few synonyms of bad form include indecorum, impropriety, inelegance, infelicity and solecism. Basically, the meaning is when some one shows bad style in the form of some type of action. For example: While out golfing this weekend, we come up on a group on 5 golfers that offer to let us pass them since we are playing at a faster pace. LRod & I both hit strikes down the middle of the fairway. Then Big Wu smacks a long drive right down the middle also for the first time of the entire day. So when Yott gets up to hit his drive, Wu yells out to the other group that's letting us pass, "Hey you guys may want to watch out. He's been shanking shots all day." Bad form - yes.
Another good example would be the comments left by Anonymous on the previous Smakk post. So Anon - I can take all your same as always blah, blah 4:45am lonely guy comments that obviously derive from your Napoleon complex which has caused you to still stalk someone you dated over 3 years ago when you were still living at home and couldn't even pay for anything since you couldn't keep down a job, but the UT comments? Those digs would only really work if you actually ever attend Tech and not whatever dwarf house university you lasted at for a semester or two. But since you did bring it up, let me just say that you can't spell BCS without BS. Much like your comments...
A few synonyms of bad form include indecorum, impropriety, inelegance, infelicity and solecism. Basically, the meaning is when some one shows bad style in the form of some type of action. For example: While out golfing this weekend, we come up on a group on 5 golfers that offer to let us pass them since we are playing at a faster pace. LRod & I both hit strikes down the middle of the fairway. Then Big Wu smacks a long drive right down the middle also for the first time of the entire day. So when Yott gets up to hit his drive, Wu yells out to the other group that's letting us pass, "Hey you guys may want to watch out. He's been shanking shots all day." Bad form - yes.
Another good example would be the comments left by Anonymous on the previous Smakk post. So Anon - I can take all your same as always blah, blah 4:45am lonely guy comments that obviously derive from your Napoleon complex which has caused you to still stalk someone you dated over 3 years ago when you were still living at home and couldn't even pay for anything since you couldn't keep down a job, but the UT comments? Those digs would only really work if you actually ever attend Tech and not whatever dwarf house university you lasted at for a semester or two. But since you did bring it up, let me just say that you can't spell BCS without BS. Much like your comments...
At 3:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
HUH? As a new reader of Smakk, what's this 2005, BS comment stuff?? Somebody please explain.
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