Jump the Shark Smakk
Recent items that have completely Jumped the Shark even if you and the rest over the American public have not yet recognized it:
Will Farrell movies
Girl's over sized sunglasses
American Idol
Tucking in just the front of your t-shirt
The Hills
Energy drinks
Oprah & Dr Phil
Please cease and desist immediately if you are still participating in any of the above.
Recent items that have completely Jumped the Shark even if you and the rest over the American public have not yet recognized it:
Will Farrell movies
Girl's over sized sunglasses
American Idol
Tucking in just the front of your t-shirt
The Hills
Energy drinks
Oprah & Dr Phil
Please cease and desist immediately if you are still participating in any of the above.
At 6:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
gym memberships
jessica and tony :(
Miley Cyrus
And finally
CSI Miami
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