Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Monday, May 14, 2007

TOA Smakk
The Taste of Addison came and went again this year and the Crew made it's annual Saturday night appearance. With the hundreds of Addison's best restaurants sampling their fine culinary treats, the Bunny & I skipped out on dinner before hitting the fest so we would have plenty of room for tasty treats. But first we met the Crew for a pre-party gathering at Hotel Shaw B where we drank Capt & beer while Dangerous D educated me on the finer points of BET broadcasting. Finally we packed our party of 12 into two cars to head out minus Dangerous who decided to stay in the hotel room with mmmm-mmmm-Melissa for a strip blackjack and playboy casting photo shoot. After battling the traffic, we all make to the grounds to hear the end of Daughtry's performance and start slamming back the brews. We then have a crew photo shoot and impromptu "jumping into the background of picture" contest. After a couple hours, we decide to pack back in the cars and head over to the Finn to continue the party. Only one little thing - we forgot to get the "taste" at Taste of Addison. Oh well, the Bunny still got her 2am pizza rolls at Club 6850.


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