Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Friday, September 16, 2005

Work Smakk
To answer the question I have gotten from most people I know - No. I have not died from some alcohol realted accident nor have I been sent to prison for finally getting caught.....well, nevermind on that. I have been doing something more shocking than any of you can ever imagine. I have been working. And I mean working all the fuckin' time. You would think these hurricane people would just call it night finally, but no. They want to keep calling FEMA for help, money, shelter, blah, blah, blah. I'm mean you were alrady living in a shit hole to begin with if you were in New Orleans. Great place to visit and get your drunk on, but why the fuck would you want to live there. (Do you think all the work and soberness is making me a little cranky?) Oh shit, I haven't even mentioned my lack of drinking. I have had one night of drinking in the past two weeks. Sobriety sucks. I've noticed all kinds of things over the past couple weeks:
There are much fewer bunnies
TV is really boring
There are actually white lines dividing the lanes on the road
Apparently I am dating someone (she keeps showing up at my house)
Taco Bell does not magically appear in my fridge every morning
Piss is actually yellow and not clear
I have a dog (but I think he's retarded)
Anyway - It's 5pm on Friday. Got to get back to work. Un-fuckin-believable.


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