Text Drama Smakk
I find it classic that even while I'm out of town playing the tables at the Pechango Casino in So Cal for the past few days that I'm still able to piss off multiple bunnies (that are all just "friends") even from 1000 miles away. And the greatness is that all of them told me off by text. Without getting into any of the sorted yet amusing details, let me just share some of the texts I recieved over the last couple days. Oh, and for reference, each message is from a different bunny...all that were supposedly "just friends".
"I think u r being an ass. Ok well at least you're honest for once. We are no longer cool to talk. Delete all my shit. Goodbye."
"Why are you such an idiot. Lose all my shit too."
"Don't text me again. I have enough self centered people in my life. Did I leave my belt at ur place? Trade u for ur blue shirt. And I won't text again. Said my peace."
"Had nice little girl talk last night. G & M say hi. Would have been nice to know that up front (that you had already been with both my friends also). Moving on to T next? Typical of your MO. Don't call me."
As I have said before - That's How I Roll.
I find it classic that even while I'm out of town playing the tables at the Pechango Casino in So Cal for the past few days that I'm still able to piss off multiple bunnies (that are all just "friends") even from 1000 miles away. And the greatness is that all of them told me off by text. Without getting into any of the sorted yet amusing details, let me just share some of the texts I recieved over the last couple days. Oh, and for reference, each message is from a different bunny...all that were supposedly "just friends".
"I think u r being an ass. Ok well at least you're honest for once. We are no longer cool to talk. Delete all my shit. Goodbye."
"Why are you such an idiot. Lose all my shit too."
"Don't text me again. I have enough self centered people in my life. Did I leave my belt at ur place? Trade u for ur blue shirt. And I won't text again. Said my peace."
"Had nice little girl talk last night. G & M say hi. Would have been nice to know that up front (that you had already been with both my friends also). Moving on to T next? Typical of your MO. Don't call me."
As I have said before - That's How I Roll.
At 2:21 PM,
kchertu said…
Fuckin awesome man, that's good shit!!!
At 12:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Girl can't be too mad if she's negotiating for a blue shirt.
And what the hell does "T" mean? I was expecting gay shit like LOL and ROFLOL and whatever dumbass abbreviated things people use. Here's one...WDAOYGTAPOACSJGOIARTYWIIA.
I'm out!
At 5:42 PM,
Gigi said…
I'd say you're on the right track. But you may have to change cities in order to keep it up. Good luck.
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