Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Friday, June 03, 2005

Guest Post Smakk - Nicki

Well, it is about time for me to make a guest appearence.
Reason for my guest appearence... Capt Smakk has been drinking since oh um about, 1noon today. He is already in phase III of his process. Very close to mute/sign language stage...
I noticed that he hadn't posted today, and at the state he is in at this point, it seemed very unlikey that he would be making a post at all this evening. I really don't think typing or even being able to read the computer screen is going to be a task he can accomplish at any point this evening... considering walking and talking seems to be rough.
I tried to stop him after his 9th red headed slut at the 4th bar... he just kept on going.
It is going to be a long fucking night.
Is today Friday? Hih theru yoiu muthahha fucckeerrs- (Um yeah, Ron says Hi)
Seriously, is today Friday??? OMG, he's fucking hanging from pot rack now... JESUS!
He also almost burnt a hole through his "striped shirt" trying to iron! (which I advised against also!) Drunk ironing, it should be a sport....
I feel like such ass from last night... so there is only one thing left for me to do.... DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN! Heading to Champps, happy hour. -Peace&Hair Grease

Oh and I almost forgot... in honor of CaptSmakk being too drunk to post by 4:42pm I present to you:

Top 5 Movies with computer hackers (since I just broke in to post this.. hehe)
5. The Net
4. Antitrust
3. Cloak and Dagger
2. Hackers
1. War Games

Since you've been gooooooooone....


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