Class Smakk
Didn't really have time for a post today. Got a couple students coming over for blackjack training tonight in preparation for Vegas on July 4th. Also, going to have a live practice run this Saturday at the Hollywood in Shreveport with the boys. Besides blackjack there are a few other arts I feel extremely qualified to teach:
Continous Drinking: The Real Way to Live
Bunny Hunting: It's All for Sport
Bunny Stealing: The Art of Cockblocking
Time Mangement: Bunny Juggling
Defensive Driving: Getting Freerides and Cabs when Hammered
Closing the Deal: "The Eye"
Top five school movies:
5. Saved
4. Mean Girls
3. Heathers
2. Breakfast Club
1. Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Didn't really have time for a post today. Got a couple students coming over for blackjack training tonight in preparation for Vegas on July 4th. Also, going to have a live practice run this Saturday at the Hollywood in Shreveport with the boys. Besides blackjack there are a few other arts I feel extremely qualified to teach:
Continous Drinking: The Real Way to Live
Bunny Hunting: It's All for Sport
Bunny Stealing: The Art of Cockblocking
Time Mangement: Bunny Juggling
Defensive Driving: Getting Freerides and Cabs when Hammered
Closing the Deal: "The Eye"
Top five school movies:
5. Saved
4. Mean Girls
3. Heathers
2. Breakfast Club
1. Fast Times at Ridgemont High
At 6:55 PM,
erl said…
dude! vegas on the 4th!? me too! soooooo fun.
At 10:26 AM,
Nicki said…
I'm in Vegas again on the 4th also! YAY!
Um and I am not one of the boys ass!! I will be in Shreve too!!!
At 4:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Smakk! Be honest with yourself. You have no class.
Don't get me wrong, I totally believe that you are teaching some nov's how to play Blackjack there, Double Down. Hit on all 8's and Aces, split the 9's when the dealer is showing a 9. An early tutorial. I'm just saying that you have no class. Whether this is relevant to anything, I have no idea. But then again, I don't have a grip on what's going on.
Hit me!
At 4:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Man this s*** is bananas,
This s*** is bananas,
Again, this s*** is bananas,
Is it me or is this song s***?
They lyrics suck, the beats okay, the video is, well, bananas (in the sense that it is pissy yellow).
What's Gwen thinking?
First it was some weird Alice in Wonderland themed song about a time piece. Don't really know the song, just the ridiculous video.
Then it was If I Were A Rich Girl, then this? I understand that Hollywood tends to have issues with finding something unique to make that they resort to remakes, but remaking Fiddler on the Roofs' If I Were A Rich Man into some wierd Pirates of the Carribean video? I know that she had two earlier hits with Eve (which gets me into the whole collaboration thing. Or as the industry refers to it, Callabo's--that word is just irritating), why would she think one more would work?
Now this Pharrel inspired, Toni Basil-like, high school targeted banana song. I don't know if she's trying to be tough or tell us what she had to eat, digested, and expelled (like my use of the word expell with regards to high school, almost had that, but mostly spent time in detention).
Anyway, pop radio is the death of good music. I guess that's why I try to find the underground, independent, or regional bands that are still all about creating. Call me a cynic.
At 1:55 AM,
kchertu said…
Wow, the entire blog world seems to be going to Vegas for the 4th, I'll be there too!
Watch out Vegas, I hope they have enough liquor...
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