Six Flags Smakk
So after a long Saturday night of beer and shots (Surfer On Acid is a new fave) at Sherlocks, I have the great idea that we spend Sunday at Six Flags Amusement Park. So here’s the recap on the day:
9:18am - wake up on floor at Impregnator’s; room is spinning but in a good way
9:22am – try to kick Human Hairbrush off couch and steal blanket; surprisingly strong; give up, hit shower
9:53 am – eat microwave sausage biscuit and breakfast burrito
10:01am – play joke on Impreginator; (results should follow in few days)
10:20am – rest of crew arrives; find out Six Flags does not serve alcohol; sob quietly in corner
10:36am – stop at QT, purchase and slam low-carb Rooster Cooter energy drink
11:00am – enter Six Flags; still have good buzz from Sat night
11:15am – Ride Titan roller coaster; buzz fading slightly
11:37am – win tweety bird; make inappropriate gestures and frighten near by children and adults
11:43am – Get shot 325 ft into air on Superman ride; successfully don’t wet myself since still dehydrated from previous night
12:10pm – Ride Shockwave with 2 back-to-back vertical loops; seems to be getting much warmer outside, sweat forming on forehead
12:41pm – Get dropped 10 stories straight down on Wildcatter; see penny floating above knee, not sure if hallucination; balance seems to be failing
12:49pm – visit restroom to pee
12:51pm – visit restroom again; false alarm
1:08pm – Go thru multiple corkscrews on Batman ride; completely flop sweating now; breakfast not seeming best idea; Impregnator starting to get pale
1:29pm – get launched on Mr. Freeze ride; slightly black-out during backwards loops; no color left in my face or Impreginator’s
1:50pm – take deep breaths and dream of cold places as others eat nachos in food court; Impregnator is balled up in fetal position; I start clicking my heels together to try and transport back home
2:20pm – buy frozen watermelon ice and leave park; stagger back to car
3:30pm – successfully make it back to couch; lay motionless for 4 hours
7:30pm – eat Freebirds Burrito and start drinking the captain
7:31pm – All is good in the world again
Top five super hero movies:
5. Conan the Barbarian
4. Batman (only 1)
3. Superman (only 1)
2. X-Men (1& 2)
1. Spiderman (1 & 2)
So after a long Saturday night of beer and shots (Surfer On Acid is a new fave) at Sherlocks, I have the great idea that we spend Sunday at Six Flags Amusement Park. So here’s the recap on the day:
9:18am - wake up on floor at Impregnator’s; room is spinning but in a good way
9:22am – try to kick Human Hairbrush off couch and steal blanket; surprisingly strong; give up, hit shower
9:53 am – eat microwave sausage biscuit and breakfast burrito
10:01am – play joke on Impreginator; (results should follow in few days)
10:20am – rest of crew arrives; find out Six Flags does not serve alcohol; sob quietly in corner
10:36am – stop at QT, purchase and slam low-carb Rooster Cooter energy drink
11:00am – enter Six Flags; still have good buzz from Sat night
11:15am – Ride Titan roller coaster; buzz fading slightly
11:37am – win tweety bird; make inappropriate gestures and frighten near by children and adults
11:43am – Get shot 325 ft into air on Superman ride; successfully don’t wet myself since still dehydrated from previous night
12:10pm – Ride Shockwave with 2 back-to-back vertical loops; seems to be getting much warmer outside, sweat forming on forehead
12:41pm – Get dropped 10 stories straight down on Wildcatter; see penny floating above knee, not sure if hallucination; balance seems to be failing
12:49pm – visit restroom to pee
12:51pm – visit restroom again; false alarm
1:08pm – Go thru multiple corkscrews on Batman ride; completely flop sweating now; breakfast not seeming best idea; Impregnator starting to get pale
1:29pm – get launched on Mr. Freeze ride; slightly black-out during backwards loops; no color left in my face or Impreginator’s
1:50pm – take deep breaths and dream of cold places as others eat nachos in food court; Impregnator is balled up in fetal position; I start clicking my heels together to try and transport back home
2:20pm – buy frozen watermelon ice and leave park; stagger back to car
3:30pm – successfully make it back to couch; lay motionless for 4 hours
7:30pm – eat Freebirds Burrito and start drinking the captain
7:31pm – All is good in the world again
Top five super hero movies:
5. Conan the Barbarian
4. Batman (only 1)
3. Superman (only 1)
2. X-Men (1& 2)
1. Spiderman (1 & 2)
At 8:37 PM,
Nicki said…
Ya'll two are a bunch of Whale's Vagina's!!
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