Anchorman Smakk
My friends and I have become totally obsessed with quoting lines from Anchorman. (Yes, it has replaced Napoleon Dynamite as my favorite movie to quote.) This Will Ferrell movie has so many great lines. Plus they are lines that you can use in your everyday situations. Let me throw out some suggestions:
Your boss tells you to do something – use “You're so wise. You're like a miniature Buddha, covered with hair.”
The girl at the drive thru gives you the wrong order – use “I'm gonna punch you in the ovary, that's what I'm gonna do. A straight shot. Right to the babymaker.”
To butt into someone else’s argument – use “LOUD NOISES!”
To show your vast knowledge in any subject – use “Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it (insert subject), which of course in German means a whale's vagina.”
After you dim the lights and put Barry White – use “Oh, I'm storming your castle on my steed, m'lady.”
You have a drunken fight with girlfriend – use “You are a smelly pirate hooker!” (though this one may lead to receiving a break-up email song)
If your drunk leaning against a light pole when the police officer walks up to you – use “I love lamp.”
Anyway, the list goes on and on. And if you doubt me, why don't you go back to your home on Whore Island!
Top five Will Ferrell movies:
5. Night at the Roxbury
4. Zoolander
3. Elf
2. Anchorman
1. Old School
My friends and I have become totally obsessed with quoting lines from Anchorman. (Yes, it has replaced Napoleon Dynamite as my favorite movie to quote.) This Will Ferrell movie has so many great lines. Plus they are lines that you can use in your everyday situations. Let me throw out some suggestions:
Your boss tells you to do something – use “You're so wise. You're like a miniature Buddha, covered with hair.”
The girl at the drive thru gives you the wrong order – use “I'm gonna punch you in the ovary, that's what I'm gonna do. A straight shot. Right to the babymaker.”
To butt into someone else’s argument – use “LOUD NOISES!”
To show your vast knowledge in any subject – use “Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it (insert subject), which of course in German means a whale's vagina.”
After you dim the lights and put Barry White – use “Oh, I'm storming your castle on my steed, m'lady.”
You have a drunken fight with girlfriend – use “You are a smelly pirate hooker!” (though this one may lead to receiving a break-up email song)
If your drunk leaning against a light pole when the police officer walks up to you – use “I love lamp.”
Anyway, the list goes on and on. And if you doubt me, why don't you go back to your home on Whore Island!
Top five Will Ferrell movies:
5. Night at the Roxbury
4. Zoolander
3. Elf
2. Anchorman
1. Old School
At 1:56 PM,
erl said…
Noooo Napoleon Dynamite is SO much better to quote than frikin' Anchorman! How can you possibly beat "vote for pedro" and "your mom goes to college"???
At 2:04 PM,
Nicki said…
But "vote for Pedro" doesn't just flow into an everyday conversation like Anchorman quotes!! Napoleon is still funny, don't get me wrong! But try some of the Achorman lines... it's especially fun when you talk to people who haven't seen the movie! haha
At 7:05 PM,
Sarah said…
Come on...Napoleon Dynamite has the best quotes ever. They are flippin sweet! Don't give into the anchorman hype and just keep with Napolean and those boots and tots!
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