Blown Up Smakk
Yesterday was a monster day for Smakk Talk - over 600 page views in 24 hours! Smakk is blowing up. Finally made it to the top spot of the blog listing board with all the traffic. I have to give a special shout out to all my new friends that stopped by with their love notes and heart-warming comments. Apparently Smakk has become quite popular on their forum site celebrating some country singer, incest and bestiality with goats. (Bestiality means sex with animals – trying to lower my vocab a little so you guys can all follow as well.) So to recap some of my favorites from my new friends:
“You deserve to be shot in the face”
“We would all be better off if you ran through a hall of razor wire”
“You're a cock”
“Since you’ve been gooooooone” (good timing White Gurl!)
Especially lovely was the notes from the intelectual wordsmith named “yourgirlisacunt”. You have class written all over you baby. Maybe we could get togther some time for drinks. Whatever trailer park is convienent for you.
Also, need to give a very special Smakk shout out to my favorite little stalker. (I didn’t mean “little” to make fun of your height – I’m very fond of drawfs.) I’m impressed – 210 page views in one day just by you. You must really love my site. I’ll try to get you a Smakk t-shirt or something. Afriad I can’t offer you another restraining order to go with your collection. But I’m sure you have more of those coming anyway.
So thank you all and a heart felt welcome to all my new friends. Please feel free to stop by anytime.
Top five movies that were bomb at theater:
5. Heaven’s Gate
4. Howard the Duck
3. The Postman
2. Ishtar
1. Empire of the Sun
Yesterday was a monster day for Smakk Talk - over 600 page views in 24 hours! Smakk is blowing up. Finally made it to the top spot of the blog listing board with all the traffic. I have to give a special shout out to all my new friends that stopped by with their love notes and heart-warming comments. Apparently Smakk has become quite popular on their forum site celebrating some country singer, incest and bestiality with goats. (Bestiality means sex with animals – trying to lower my vocab a little so you guys can all follow as well.) So to recap some of my favorites from my new friends:
“You deserve to be shot in the face”
“We would all be better off if you ran through a hall of razor wire”
“You're a cock”
“Since you’ve been gooooooone” (good timing White Gurl!)
Especially lovely was the notes from the intelectual wordsmith named “yourgirlisacunt”. You have class written all over you baby. Maybe we could get togther some time for drinks. Whatever trailer park is convienent for you.
Also, need to give a very special Smakk shout out to my favorite little stalker. (I didn’t mean “little” to make fun of your height – I’m very fond of drawfs.) I’m impressed – 210 page views in one day just by you. You must really love my site. I’ll try to get you a Smakk t-shirt or something. Afriad I can’t offer you another restraining order to go with your collection. But I’m sure you have more of those coming anyway.
So thank you all and a heart felt welcome to all my new friends. Please feel free to stop by anytime.
Top five movies that were bomb at theater:
5. Heaven’s Gate
4. Howard the Duck
3. The Postman
2. Ishtar
1. Empire of the Sun
At 7:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 12:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hope to meet you at Smirnoff. Maybe we can permanently alter your vocabulary.
At 2:47 PM,
Jake said…
Can't argue with that list...cunts...hehe
At 2:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
This isn't even worth my time anymore. I have been guaranteed you would never say this shit to my face, so I am done with it. Would suck getting your ass kicked by a psycho midget. Hell we'd have to take pictures of that for sure!! Have a nice day.
nice story about the gnat. but could you not think of anything better than Blister in the Sun. I bet the parties you throw fall for the G and C chord songs everytime!
At 7:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa. Who are you to jump onto someone else regarding "class?" Your whole fucking blog is proof you are one of the most classless, self centered, loser around. Making fun of others for their problems. You may not have problems now, but you're about to.
At 3:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
A link?? Is that like a cyber hug?? Way to go dude, gotcha a girl that drinks 40's. Think she'll pour out some for ya?? ;-)
At 3:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
You forgot the D chord, midget. All this talk about Smirnoff has me all thirsty and shit. Capt, if you want me to sit on the midget while you tickle him til he wets himself, just let me know.
Oh and BTW, I think the airing of dirty "suicide" laundry as sort of a public service. He's just making sure everyone is "in the know". It's kinda like the pedophile list really...just for the safety of the general population.
Carry on, oh drunken one.
-the fat fucker
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