Suicide Smakk
Gotta tell you, one of the weakest post-relationship ploys is the old suicide threat. I understand that suicide is a serious and sad issue when it comes to confused teens or truly emotionally distressed folks. But these lame ass exes that I hear about that throw out the line, “I’m going to kill myself if you leave me,” – I’m like more power to them. Can I offer you some suggestions of ways to do it? Hell, I would also be like, “Can you make sure I’m in the will first?” And probably the thing that is weaker about this ploy is those girls that actually fall for this, and go off running after the loser. What brought this about today is that this just happened with a girl that’s a friend of mine. So homeboy shows up spewing out how he has to be with her, can’t live without her, blah, blah, blah. Dude – you lived 30 years, had 2 kids and survived the ridicule of being only 3 feet tall. And this is going to make you eat a bullet. And way to be a great dad by the way. Sure your kids would love to hear how much they matter to you. What a joke!
If I get so messed up over some girl I get as fucked up as this guy, I’m not thinking suicide – I’m thinking let’s really get fucked up. I’m thinking let’s hop a plane to Vegas, max out all those credit cards, slam down some gallons of booze and live it up like some big ballers with no worries in the world. But hey, you have fun watching from above as your family and friends cry over over your sorry ass grave – I’ll be waving at you from the top of the Palms at the Ghost Bar. Late…
Top suicide movies:
5. Virgin Suicides
4. Ordinary People
3. Harold & Maude
2. The End
1. Heathers
Gotta tell you, one of the weakest post-relationship ploys is the old suicide threat. I understand that suicide is a serious and sad issue when it comes to confused teens or truly emotionally distressed folks. But these lame ass exes that I hear about that throw out the line, “I’m going to kill myself if you leave me,” – I’m like more power to them. Can I offer you some suggestions of ways to do it? Hell, I would also be like, “Can you make sure I’m in the will first?” And probably the thing that is weaker about this ploy is those girls that actually fall for this, and go off running after the loser. What brought this about today is that this just happened with a girl that’s a friend of mine. So homeboy shows up spewing out how he has to be with her, can’t live without her, blah, blah, blah. Dude – you lived 30 years, had 2 kids and survived the ridicule of being only 3 feet tall. And this is going to make you eat a bullet. And way to be a great dad by the way. Sure your kids would love to hear how much they matter to you. What a joke!
If I get so messed up over some girl I get as fucked up as this guy, I’m not thinking suicide – I’m thinking let’s really get fucked up. I’m thinking let’s hop a plane to Vegas, max out all those credit cards, slam down some gallons of booze and live it up like some big ballers with no worries in the world. But hey, you have fun watching from above as your family and friends cry over over your sorry ass grave – I’ll be waving at you from the top of the Palms at the Ghost Bar. Late…
Top suicide movies:
5. Virgin Suicides
4. Ordinary People
3. Harold & Maude
2. The End
1. Heathers
At 9:53 AM,
Jake said…
I think Leaving Las Vegas counts...
At 9:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
I really think that this post is cold and heartless. maybe you should think of situations that people have been in before you post. you could be hurting your friends.
At 10:41 AM,
Jake said…
Suicide is selfish...
At 10:47 AM,
CaptSmakk said…
Jake - great call on Leaving las Vegas. You have mad movie skillz... And great call on suicide as selfish.
Others - it's a sad thing for someone to actually kill themselves because of their mental state or in the case of kids, lack of realization of what's truly important.
It's a sad joke for someone to announce they plan to do it for attention to try and get back i a relationship.
At 12:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think until you have been in the situation on either side, you really don't know.
At 2:44 PM,
CaptSmakk said…
"either side"? Did you once kill yourself after a breakup? Sweet - my blog has made it to the afterworld...
At 3:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yea, yea. So we all know people who have done these kinds of things. There are the people who unfortunately suffer from severe depression. It is real and it is a disease and it is sad. And there are people who are just weak who will use shit like,"WAAAAA I am gonna kill myself if you don't stay with me," in order to stay in a relationship. Two different kinds of people. I think all Capt. Smakk was trying to say is that people who do use it as an excuse to get back in someones life are lame. So chill out chica...Yes you have to be a female with that opinion of's his post, and by the way...I don't think that he meant any harm. Be more concerned with yourself and the way you treat others, what kind of contribution you are personally putting out there, less concern with a post somewhere,which is why I am stopping rigt now,....better things to do ...
At 4:53 PM,
CaptSmakk said…
well said, mon ami
At 1:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
I can now honestly say that I have met one of the most heartless indivdiuals to have ever lived. Passing on others problems to someone that only wants a piece of ass is wrong. What comes around goes around, remember that.
At 7:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
you sorry son of a bitch. i think first off you are nothing but a coward. you and the one that obviously think its funny to send someone over the edge or even close to it.
At 1:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
First of all....this blog is called "Smakk Talk"
If you don't like it, don't read it.
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