Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Monday, February 03, 2003

Little Smakk
They say it's always the little things that upset you. Rude drivers, bird crap on the car, one item short in your drive-thru food, news about nothing new, that freaky "zoom-zoom" kid, etc. Well I say it's time to celebrate the small things. Think about what we take for granted and what it was like before they came along. Think email, ATM's, cell phones, toll tags, barcodes, fake breasts (well maybe not a good example of little things),...
So keep saying thanks for the small things (and surgery induced mammary growth) cause they can make the difference.
Top five films with midgets:
5. Star Wars franchise
4. Willy Wonka
3. Time Bandits
2. Wizard of Oz
1. Lord of the Rings trilogy

Oompa Oompa Oompa di doo, I've got some more smakk talk for you.
Oompa Oompa Oompa di dee, if you meet a dwarf, you should toss him in a tree.
Ooompa Oompa Oompa...


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