Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Thursday, January 30, 2003

Smakk Hell
Many people have their demons to deal with - drugs, alcohol, gambling, crime, a wife, etc... The wise man says, "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger." Well the Smakk Man says, "What gives you more fun, more money & more "you-know-what-I'm-sayin'-Dog", makes you happier (and satisfied)." So get out your crosses, read from your own "bible" and go watch Risky Business. Because sometimes you just have to say, "What the f***."
Best movies with the devil or demons (excluding my wedding video):
5. The Devil's Advocate
4. Angel Heart
3. The Omen
2. The Exorcist
1. My Wedding Video (what can I say - my ex is a bitch)
Fire & Brimstone , baby!!


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