Golf Smakk
Was that a round of golf I played yeseterday or was I having some kind of Gulf War Syndrome relapse? I go out for a little grip and rip it session on the course yesterday with Loops & Wu, and end up diving for cover half the time avoiding balls flying around like shrapnel. At times it looked like the opening scene from Saving Private Ryan with round white dimple bullets flying everywhere. Screw the polo shirt and visor, I'm dressing in flack jacket and camos next time we hit the course. Here's just a few of the near death experiences from yesterday:
Wu bullets a line drive from about 100 yards behind me that comes screaming by my cart as I hear a shrieking "Oh Jesus!!" from Loops as he does a Greg Louganis into the fairway.
From only 10 yards off the green, I send a chip right into the sidewalk curb that ricochets directly back at my own noggin as I do a face plant down to aviod getting a Nike swoosh on my forehead.
Loops tries an out-of-the-woods attempt that strikes directly into a tree 2 feet in front of him and sends his Top Flight right back into his own Twig & Berries. Good thing we had some ice left over from the beer bag.
And the final feat of amazement for the round - I don't know how the hell he did it but someway Loops is able to hit his tee shot directly 90 degrees off the box and send it right towards my face as I'm standing at the cart sipping my Coors Light. Even though once again we avoided having to send out for Life Flight on the fairway, there was some beer spillage. Oh the humanity.
Jesus - maybe we should try something more safe like playing Rugby on the freeway.
Was that a round of golf I played yeseterday or was I having some kind of Gulf War Syndrome relapse? I go out for a little grip and rip it session on the course yesterday with Loops & Wu, and end up diving for cover half the time avoiding balls flying around like shrapnel. At times it looked like the opening scene from Saving Private Ryan with round white dimple bullets flying everywhere. Screw the polo shirt and visor, I'm dressing in flack jacket and camos next time we hit the course. Here's just a few of the near death experiences from yesterday:
Wu bullets a line drive from about 100 yards behind me that comes screaming by my cart as I hear a shrieking "Oh Jesus!!" from Loops as he does a Greg Louganis into the fairway.
From only 10 yards off the green, I send a chip right into the sidewalk curb that ricochets directly back at my own noggin as I do a face plant down to aviod getting a Nike swoosh on my forehead.
Loops tries an out-of-the-woods attempt that strikes directly into a tree 2 feet in front of him and sends his Top Flight right back into his own Twig & Berries. Good thing we had some ice left over from the beer bag.
And the final feat of amazement for the round - I don't know how the hell he did it but someway Loops is able to hit his tee shot directly 90 degrees off the box and send it right towards my face as I'm standing at the cart sipping my Coors Light. Even though once again we avoided having to send out for Life Flight on the fairway, there was some beer spillage. Oh the humanity.
Jesus - maybe we should try something more safe like playing Rugby on the freeway.
At 11:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Haha. You should buy helmets. I'm picturing you all out there looking like Special Ed on Crank Yankers. yeaah! I got mail!
At 11:27 AM,
BigRob said…
Give up that ball golf and get some Disc Golf working.
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