Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

Pharma Smakk
These friggin' drug companies are getting out of hand. I'm watching the tube last night and I catch the ad for Zoloft. Here's what they say, "If you have not been feeling good about yourself for more than two weeks, you should consult your doctor about trying Zoloft." Two weeks?? That's the new time frame for clinical depression. This could be the miracle drug for all situations. So you're a little down because your fat, ugly and stupid - well you can now forget diets, working out, learning new things or even bathing. Just throw back some Zoloft and you'll start feeling great and not give a shit about anything ever again.
Plus you get the side effect bonus of experiencing either insomnia or sleepliness. So to be safe make sure you keep a good supply of amphetamines and depressants handy depending on which way your leaning at the time. Also, how do I know when I'm actually feeling better or just stoned from the Zoloft? Even worse, if I'm actually in a great mood and also Zo-ing, the double high will probably having slapping high fives and doing the Macarena with every stranger I pass until some guy beats the crap out of me for being a freak.
With my love of watching films, I've decided that start today I'll be listing my top five movie picks related to the topic of my posting. Since flicks about pharmaceutical commercials are somewhat obscure will go with this topic:

Top Five Films about Drug Abuse ( exculding Cheech & Chong flix)
5. Drugstore Cowboy
4. Rush
3. Traffic
2. Trainspotting
1. Requim for a Dream

I've got my comments up and running so if you disagree with my choices, you'll probably be wrong but I'll read them anyway.


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