Smakk Talk

why just talk if you can talk smakk

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Rain Smakk
How is it possible that there is a giant thunderstorm every couple of weeks that hits exactly as I am driving between Dallas & Austin? As much as I enjoy writing this post while honing my hydroplaning skills, I would rather just put the pedal to the metal under bright sunny skies. And I especially love when the methed up over confident trucker flies past me sending a tidal swell over the car that is so big I wouldn't be surpised if a surfer popped out of the curl onto my windshield. Plus with only about 20 feet of visibility, I can't blink for fear of rear ending that same trucker as his crank wears off. My eyes feel like I've been playing 18 straight hours of Guitar Hero.
At least there's some entertainment at laughing at the brain child that decided today would be good to move all his belongings in the world in the back of his pickup without ponying up the extra $20 for a cover tarp. WWT - Wet White Trash...


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